List of Custom Words

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Traciny'ika » 31 Jan 2022 19:48

Vlet Hansen wrote:
14 Dec 2021 02:36
I kinda like kar'tolase, actually. Still, it feels a bit "impersonal" for describing a sun if you want it to be more poetic.
I agree, I like it a lot - but definitely as a name or epithet for the Mandalore star-system sun. And, this line of thinking furthers begs the question of, how poetic is Mando'a? because, I could see someone saying "ner'kar" before attempting to call someone the literal sun.
Last edited by Traciny'ika on 01 Feb 2022 01:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Traciny'ika » 31 Jan 2022 21:02

Can we use "ner'sat ruus" for Jedi seeing stone temples? Like the one that they visit in the Mandalorian?
Drawing on Taljair te Mir'ad's word for pride, I think its hilarious.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 01 Feb 2022 04:33

I think Mando'a can be very poetic, if you let it. Look at terms like forge (light up a saber). It's slightly euphemistic and focuses on the aesthetics of the action.

As for a seeing stone, I dunno, I feel like pride isn't the way to go with that. Could be a good term to use to mock Jedi in general, though. THey do seem rather full of themselves.
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by sunset » 29 Jul 2022 16:00

Wanted to see if there was a word for armorer in mando’a and the closest one is goran which translates to blacksmith.

While it technically works I wanted to propose something that emphasizes a leadership role:
  • Nauu’alor (combines nau’ur: to light up, and alor: ruler)
In the Mandalorian, the Armorer both leads and forges armor and weapons for the covert. I thought it would be cool if her occupation had its own name in mando’a and was recognized as one occupation in and of itself, and not just her taking on two roles.

Other suggestions are welcome.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 30 Jul 2022 03:05

I'd say, the existence of the "prosaic" goran and the more "poetic" naur'...

I think I misread your post. The thing you proposed is actually almost identical to the term naur'alor, which actually already exists, coming from the bounty hundet code appendix. So, well... spot on! Correct!
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Hotklou » 12 Aug 2022 16:26

adate translates to people/persons, so one person would just be adat (with the -e having made it plural), right?
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Tra'nau » 12 Aug 2022 16:57

Sounds right to me! That’s how I had been using it, anyway.
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Hotklou » 12 Aug 2022 17:37

Tra'nau wrote:
12 Aug 2022 16:57
Sounds right to me! That’s how I had been using it, anyway.
Cool. :)

Just thought I'd make sure and mention it, cuz I could not see it listed in the translator/dictionary or the spreadsheet by Tal'jair. Usually, it shows either the singular form of the word or both. :D

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 13 Aug 2022 04:32

It's technically correct, but I'll admit I hate it. While there's value in the semantic difference between ad and adat, I basically always use ad.
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 29 Mar 2023 05:41

Kind of want to jump into the whole name of stars conversation.

Here are my two cents.

The translation for stars seems to be Ka'ra, which means the ruling council of ancient kings as stated in the dictionary. Why don't we go off that? Instead of making it about space, we'll make it about the myth, where their star could simply be Ka'r'alor. In fact, continuing down this line, they can be given names based on those kings. Ka'r'alor could be the title that the star has, and the name could be something else. Something like, I dunno, Runi'Manda. Runi'tracyn. Soul of Heaven. Soul Fire. Too cheesy? Ni Ka'r'alor, Runi'Manda. Yup, screw simplicity and make it all wordy. Stars without planets could be Ka'ra Ures Kyr'bes. Haar Nu'kyr'bes Ka'ra, Jaabog. Stars with planets could be Ka'ra'sol be Aruetiise, the lonely king of outsiders. Haar Ka'r'aruetii Maenaloj.

Nebula: Tracyn Buycika
Protostar: Ka'ra'kar'ta
Main Sequence: Ka'ra
Red Giant: Kaden Ka'ra
White Dwarf: Ruug'la Ka'ra
Black Dwarf: Ka'ra be Kyr'am
Super Red Giant: A'den'la Ka'ra
Supernova: Ka'ra be' Kyr'yc'orjorer
Black Hole: Ka'ra'naast
Neutron Star: Ka'ra'tratyc
Blue Star: Ka'ra be Eisum
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 29 Mar 2023 05:42

Vlet Hansen wrote:
13 Aug 2022 04:32
It's technically correct, but I'll admit I hate it. While there's value in the semantic difference between ad and adat, I basically always use ad.
Ad in the dictionary seems to be specifically about children.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 29 Mar 2023 06:22

A random collection of words that I created because I was writing in Mando'a. No knowledge of whether or not any of these have been touched on in prior posts.

Consume: Naast'epa (destroyer, eat)
God: Mandal'alor (heavenly leader)
Metal: Ran (From goran. Side note, does beskar just mean iron or metal in general? Because Droid is just Beskar'ad. And I sure as hell don't know many Beskar droids.)
Iron: Berrur (Taking the Be from Beskar and adding characteristics from Ferrum)
Steel: Muu'rang'ran (Hard ash metal)
Alloy: Tomyc'rane (Joint metals)
Trickster: Nuhun'hodar (Joke, fool)
Ambassador: Jorha'aruetii (Speaker for outsiders)
Glass: Utrel'ruus (Clear rock)
Flowing: Nar'as'pirun (Act like water)
Sentimental: Trikar'la'kar'taylir (Sadly hold in the heart)
Stop: Ge'ir (Ge from Gev)
Ancestors: Buirse'be'buirse (Fathers of Fathers, or parents of parents)
Creed: Nare'miita (Actions, write)
Malice: Ori'dush'mirshe (evil brain)
Foundling: Ruus'ad'ika (Ruus from ruusaar, ad'ika as endermant term for child)
Invade (orbital): Tra'trattok'or (sky fall)
Invasion (orbital): Tra'tratyc (Sky in a state of collapse)
Mine: Ruus'tayat (Rock storage)
Miner: Ruus'shukuu (Rock breaker)
Cave: Ruus'palon (Rock hole)
Tunnel: Chu'vheh'yust (Underground road)
Aluminum: Aluuminar (Basically latin)
Chapter: Miit''kovid (Word head)
Same: Alii's'aliit (Identity as Identity)
Soul: Mana (From Manda, different from Oversoul)
Twin: Du'mana (Du from dul, split soul)
Clone: Tat'adat (Tat from repeat, repeat person)
Silver: Cin'ran (White metal)
Stranger: Nakar'adat (Unknown person)
Greet: Olarir (From Olarom)
Bit: Ki'edeem (As in tiny amount, from Kih and Edeemir)
Ice: Eisum /or/ Cirpir
Smile: Risir
Smiling Face: Briikas'troan
Finally/At Last: Mar'ev (Adding a v to Mar'e.)
Life: Oyaci (From Oyacyi)
Consider: Mar'mirdir (Mar from Mar'eyir, find think)
Start/Begin/Originate: Maan'narir (First act)
Among: O'r'tsad (In group)
Last edited by Augest Kayd on 14 May 2023 16:34, edited 5 times in total.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 30 Mar 2023 07:15

Wicked: Dush'kar'ta'la (Bad heart)
Morality: Jate'Dush (Good bad)
Against: Aru (From Aru'e)
Mischief: Dush'banar (Bad happenings)
Duty: Enteyorla'nari (Obliged actions)
Conduct: Nari'mandokarla (Way of having the right stuff)
Note: Shot'miit (Small write)
Liver: Jecuir
Chair: She'keb (Sit thing)
Throne: Alor'she'ke (Leader's chair)
Shine: Nau'dinur (Give light)
Instruments: Laar'gaanure (Music tools)
Rhythm: Laar'nari (Music's movement)
House (Politics): Tomyc'aliit (Join clans)
Simpling: Vorpan'joruur (Green gather)
Herborizing: Hibirar'vorpan'oy (Learn vegetation)
Calling: K'ol'ori'kaan (Summon loudly)
To Call: Kol'kanir
Summon: K'olar (Order come)
Loud: Ori'kaa'la (Big sound)
Hyperspace: Dha'tra (Dark space)
Lively: Yaih'oyaci (Full of life)
Vigor: Ori'yaih'oyaci (Big lively)
Fly: Hii'abiik (Take Air)
Unknown Region: Tra'nakar (Unknown Space)
Outer Rim: Oyula'kyr (Galactic End)
Vision: Haa'mana (See spirit)
Last edited by Augest Kayd on 14 May 2023 16:36, edited 1 time in total.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 30 Mar 2023 17:06

Quite a lot going on here!

I take it you're metaphorically referring to planets as crowning stars? I kinda like it, though I'm not totally sure where you're going with some of these parts, such as Maenaloj and Eisum.

Now, regarding ad: sure, the dictionary says it means child... and then immediately uses it for every single case where "person" would apply, like beskar'ad. Adat shows up, what, all of once? It feels like a forgotten word in actual practice.

I personally dislike trying to use real world language influences on Mando'a, but I acknowledge that it's not nearly as serious as I make it out to be (after all, it's chock full of things like British slang anyway...)

For metal, I personally think of bes as being the root for metal, with beskar specifically being Mandalorian Iron. Sounds kinda like "heart-metal" that way, right? Feels apropos.

I like the vibe of a lot of your neologisms, though some of them get too long for me to want to use them in everyday speech.
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 30 Mar 2023 17:49

I'm taking the Mando'a word for stars in its literal sense when applying a naming system to these celestial bodies. They are, mythologically, considered kings, so they will have titles and names based off of their council of kings. Maenaloj is just a name I got off a Mando name generator and Eisum is a custom word.

I feel like it's kind of impossible not to use real-world languages to base some aspects of Mando'a in because it was created after, well, us. Maybe the difference in the meaning of ad and the usage of ad is just that people are familiar with that way of speaking so it still technically only truly means children but everyday people use it as persons.

As for the new words, yeah, they do get kind of long, but I think I did alright with the shorter ones.

I'm just translating and writing a lot in Mando'a right now, so I list the words I created myself here so that you guys can actually understand what I post on these other topics.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 04 Apr 2023 20:58

Uma'kebise - Difficult Things - Trouble
Aru'naritir - To Place Against - To Oppose
Majycnar - The Act of Adding - Addition
Sole'kando - Weight of Count - Number
Kando'keb - The Weight of Something - Value
Ori'sole - Greater Count - More
Aaray'kar'ta - Pain in the Heart - Heartache
Aaray'kar'taylir - To Hold Pain in the Heart - Depression
Nynir'tome - To Strike Together - Conflict
Parjyc'kyr - Perfect End/Completion - Consummation
Nuhoy'copar - Sleeping Wish - To Dream
Bet - Sigh (onomatopoeia) - Ah
Nu'moruta'keb - Unwelcome Thing - Problem
Naritir'be - Place/Leave Of/Off - Delay
Laa'bat - Up On - Upon
Shev'la'kyr - Silent End - Quietus
Su'cuyla - Still Probable/May Yet - Might
Jar'tomer - Ruin Together - To Confuse
Tom'nynir - Together Strike - To Compel
Ti'kar'tayl - With Knowledge - Conscience
Nar'nasreyc - Act of Resolute - Resolution
Got'mird - Created Think - Thought
Chur'hiibir - Under Take- To Undertake
Ulyc'mird - Careful Think/Thought - Consideration
Kot'nar - Strength of Movement - Momentum
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 05 Apr 2023 03:28

I like a lot of these! I think with uma'kebise we might also want to use either buruk or something derived from buruk to mean trouble in a more menacing sense, like the difference between a hard but not critical issue and one that will cause serious damage in some way.

I think bet is a handy auxiliary word to have in your toolbox; in a similar vein I've proposed wa as an analogue to oh, in an addressing sense (like, "Wa, gar! k'olaro!")

Kando'keb might work for a more emotional/figurative value, but I think we'd want to pull from waadas if we were referring to something more practical.

The one I don't like here is chur'hiibir, it feels a bit too much like a literal translation that lacks the cultural grounding to make it make sense. If I saw it without the intended gloss next to it, it would likely trip me up. Maybe something stemming from davaab isntead?
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 05 Apr 2023 05:56

You know... if I had davaab in my toolbox before... Eh, but the etymology behind undertaking is very literally the works under and take smushed together to mean to go about or to do. If you take something under yourself, you made it your responsibility, an action you have obliged yourself to do.

I know people sometimes use the word trouble, almost as a cliche, in place of danger, but in that case, would simply using the work buruk be better? If not, I guess buru'nari? Situation, situate, to place. Dangerous situation, read trouble (as in a higher sense of danger than uma'kebise). We can have both.

Waadasla already means valuable, so yeah, I suppose we would have something for a qualitative value and another for quantitative. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

I'm going to have to use Wa sometime.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 21 Apr 2023 04:00

Miit'taap - Entry (As in point of record)
Deeyc - Beep
Ba'pirus - Gland
Oii - Hey
Gal'din'ad - Bartender
Kar'aala - Heartfelt
Gedeya - Gratitude
Berir - Bounty
Got'nar'ad - Operator
Ori'sol - God (Not God, or a specific god, but rather the general term god, as in a divine being)
Chaaj'teh - Off (Lit. Away From)
Udela'miite - Understatement (Lit. Lightly Words)
Chu'pir - Underwater (Not to be confused with shosenla)
Ruu'gotan'la - Classic
Hok'ca'nara - While
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 11 May 2023 17:41

Master - Run'alor
Space Station - Tra'taa'yaim
Code - Rano’jorhaa
Close - Genn
Relationship - Siv'burcy
Vambrace - Iru'besbe
Flamethrower - Gaan'tracinya
Defenestration - Daab'palon
Bifler - Bev'nynir
Auction - Bro'dinwaa
Copy That - Suv'ibac
Personal - Ast'vutyc
On and Off - Bat'nu'bat
Translation - Joh'uliini
Fluent - Iviin'miite
Wares - Ulyc'kebe
As One Does - Sa'sol'cuy
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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