List of Custom Words

All discussion regarding new words should go here.
Augest Kayd
Posts: 214
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 May 2023 18:05

Uvet'salar - World Art > Sorcery
Piri'kar - Use of Knowledge > Skill
Sap - Electricity
Pan - Magnet
Goy'a'alor - Guide Leader > Conductor
Sapan - Electromagnet
Tr'adate - Voidsmen > Naval Personnel
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 May 2023 18:34

Uvet'sal'ad - World Artsmen > Sorcerer
Got'salan - Made Art > Artifact
Sal'got'ad - Art Maker > Artificer (Not painter, etc)
Laam'sol - One Above > Lord
Manda'buir - Father of the Manda > Sire
Kalor - Sir (Military context)
At'jii - At Now > At Once (Different contextually from just "now".)

Mandabuir! Te Sal'got'ad ru'mar'eyi uvet'sal'ad got'salan!
Wa? Tion bic meg mhi mirdi?
Elek, Kalor.
Ke'hiibi olar.
At'jii, Laam'sol Mand'alor.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 May 2023 20:38

Nu'hii'urakto - Unwanted Difficulty > Wayward
She'bay - Ass Chewing > Reprimand (Slang)
Trap Trap - Infantryman (Slang)
Jor'kov'briik - Reprimand
Trab Trab - Weapon (Slang)
Ori'jorad - Big Voice > Loudspeaker (Slang)
Kal'ika - Derogatory term for men with poor marksmanship
Flak'gam - Flak Vest
Bes'pel'gam - Underarmor
Ven'kyr'ad - Expectant (Slang)
Tracin Sheb - Flaming Ass > Engine (Slang)
NiSAV - FUBAR (Slang)
Dral'pel - Geardo (Slang)
Nu'L'Cu'Ru'M'E - MIA
Kyr Kyr'bej - KIA
Huut'gaan - Nepotism
Yaat - Gun > Artillery (Slan)
Galaar'yc - Cold Weather (Slang)
Nar'ika - Motivated > High Speed (Slang)
Sap'yc - Energetic
Day'goo - Eject
Sap'sha - Violent/Kinetic (Slang)
Ka'sen - Star Destroyer (Slang)
Mirc'kem - Long and Boring March (Slang)
Ori'dral - Potential Threats (Slang)
Suum'nau - Moon Beam > Flashlight
Alor'jark - Some higher rank or superior present.
Al'al - CO (Slang)
Abiik Ge'huut - Oxygen Thief (Slang)
Taap be Akaan - Area of Interest
Veeray be Aka'bor - Area of Operation

Mandalorian System of Measurement

Ol'ki'aab - 0.000762 meters (Enaab/100)
Kih'aab - 0.0762 meters (Enaab/10)

Enaab - 0.762 meters (Based off the average length of a Beskad)

Ta'enaab- 7.620 meters (Enaab*10)
Ol'enaab - 76.200 meters (Enaab*100)

Or'enaab - 1609.345 meters (Mun'enaab/2)
Mun'enaab - 3218.690 meters (Ta'aj/10)
Ta'aj - 32186.9 meters (42240 Enaabe, based on marching distance of 20 miles)
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 May 2023 21:48

Teg'ijaatir - Vindicate
Teg'ijaat'yc - Vindicated
Ru'teg'ijaati - Vindicated
Kih'yc'shy'a - Lesser
Kih'yc - Less
Dan'd'ad - Binder
Ban'di - Bind
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 May 2023 22:51

Getar - To Get
Riddurc'ya - Companion
Dinuir’taap - Hosting
Parsek - Parsec
Baysik - Basic
Last edited by Augest Kayd on 12 May 2023 23:17, edited 1 time in total.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 12 May 2023 23:00

I'm always torn on the subject of measurement systems, kinda like back when we were working out a time system. The urge to disconnect it from any real world measurements to preserve a sense of identity and authenticity is understandable, but man does it make it hard to use it for anything...
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 May 2023 23:04

Vlet Hansen wrote:
12 May 2023 23:00
I'm always torn on the subject of measurement systems, kinda like back when we were working out a time system. The urge to disconnect it from any real world measurements to preserve a sense of identity and authenticity is understandable, but man does it make it hard to use it for anything...
You can always use it, that's not the problem, but since we're in this real world, it just wouldn't be popular and the conversions would be, at least at first, a pain. But making one doesn't really seem to pose a problem as far as I can tell, and using them amongst yourself or other fellow Mandalorians or Mando'a speakers seems to be a way to immerse yourself further into this culture. Who knows, maybe Mandalorian culture will be on the rise sometime in the future.

Defending this further, what sets this apart from the time measurement system is that, as far as I can remember from what I have seen and read, it's more convoluted and more specific to planets within that rotational factor. Measurements like what I put out can be used on any planet and by anyone.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 13 May 2023 12:56

Sol'kem Be'chaaj - The One Who Walks Away > Apostate
Dar'm'nari - An Act Against the Manda > Blasphemy
Urm Dar'Manda - Belief Against the Manda > Heresy
Adat be Arasuum - Man of Arasuum > Heretic (Once slang for pacifists)
Aru'nari - Against the Six > Heretic
Nu'Mand'yc - Heretical
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 15 May 2023 15:18

On behalf - Bat'par.
Resident - Olar'yaim
Script - Miit'keb
Suspicious > Against a Warrior's Mind - Aru'ver'mird
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 16 May 2023 03:53

I'm gonna propose a snappier alternative for suspicious: Je'la
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 16 May 2023 04:03

That can be the shorthand version.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 17 May 2023 17:27

Ke haran runi. I damn your soul > I curse your entire history > All your achievements and that of your blood family and clan that were and will be are stomped in mud and erased. Similar to Dar'Manda except used as an insult or, well, a curse.

Gar nor'ba'slana. Gar eyayti ali'nar, haar enteyorla'nari be riduur'yc. Gar ru'shuku naak be ni'kar'ta bal ru'dinui Shuk'la Riduurok. Vercopa cuun gaise cuyi chaaj'urci bal cuun oyacise dar'tome. Par mhi Dar'riduur.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 15 Feb 2024 18:01

Whimsical - Ude'be'runi/Ud'runi.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 18 Feb 2024 08:39

To Miss - Ut'karir: Empty Heart.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 Mar 2024 16:42

Nerd - Na'hib'ika.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 18 Mar 2024 14:51

Mean - Miitkanar
Meaning - Miitkan
Detail - Serik/Kihser [1/2VLET]
Ingredients (specifically) - Dul'orkemise
Ingredients (general foodstuffs that can be made into a whole dish/snacks) - Kaise [VLET]
Shortly (slang) - Sol'ca'nara
Comrade (Not the same thing as fellow Mandalorian mate) - Akavod
Ideal - parjyc'mird
Pedestal - tenga'ruus [VLET]
To place on a pedestal (human) - Dinuir Mand'alor'troan'haaran.
To place on a pedestal (general) - <Gair> sa Beskar [VLET]
Arbitrary - Runada (Runar-Adat-Gaanada)
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 09 Jun 2024 00:33

Here, two things I thought of. Maybe it's archaic or something.

'rh [Rr-eh] Suffix to place emphasis.
'Kar [Kar] From Ka'ra. A suffix placed at the end of names as deference of respect. Opposite of 'ika, basically.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 09 Jun 2024 17:13

Kottas - Predator (Archaic) - Contrary to popular belief, the modern 'Kadas' did not evolve from Kad+Bas, but rather Kot+Bas, where the language shift over time softened the sounds and the word was broken up in reverse.
Kakas - Coward (Archaic) / Prey - Before cowardliness was associated with Hutts, the word for coward was Kakas, which meant an animal that cowers. A person who was Kakas was not more than an animal. This word did not mean prey; there was no word for prey as there was an understanding of the natural order that did not place emphasis on the retreat of smaller animals in the face of danger. This word fell out of favor as the insult of choice for cowards, slowly taking on the meaning 'Prey' due to its etymological association with animals as well as its parallel meaning to coward.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 08 Jul 2024 04:05

Arastiga - Melancholy - Unlike "Aaray'kar'taylir", which is recognized as an extreme mind-oriented disease and therefore must be treated as a wound, Arastiga is treated more like a curse, hence the name. Melancholy is an imperfect but accurate translation. A constant unexplainable and burdensome state of fatigue and gloom yet does not prevent them from acting as they normally do: its weight is drawn out and wears one down through constant exposure rather than sheer depressive power.
Narinare/Narinareir - Function.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Augest Kayd
Posts: 214
Joined: 26 Mar 2023 05:22

Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 13 Jul 2024 21:41

Dinutrik - Pity - Gifted sadness.
Trikapar - To Pity - To be sad for.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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