Random Quotes
Posted: 16 Jul 2018 10:18
For those moments when you read a particularly awesome quote and think to yourself "I wonder how that would sound in Mando'a?"
I'll be updating this root post with finished quotes as they're made. And this isn't just for me; anyone can post their own translations here, or even request them.
For clarity's sake, the translation scheme I usually use is to write the original quote in English on the first line, Mando'a on the second line, and the closest translation of Mando'a back into English on the third. Not mandatory formatting by any means, but that's how I do it and it seems to preemptively answer most questions people ask me about my translations.
Someone once told me that time is like a predator that stalks us all our lives. But I prefer to think of time as a companion, reminding us to treasure each moment... because it'll never come again.
Ash'ad ru'rejorhaar'i ni meg ca'nara cuyi sa kadas meg oya'kar mhi an cuun oyare. A'ni jatne emuur mirdir be ca'nara sa burc'ya, ke'partayli'an mhi shereshir anay sur... jorcu bic olaro'draar tug'yc.
Someone told me that time is like [a] predator that hunts us all our lives. But I prefer to think of time as [a] friend, reminding us to seize every moment... because it comes never again.
I'll be updating this root post with finished quotes as they're made. And this isn't just for me; anyone can post their own translations here, or even request them.
For clarity's sake, the translation scheme I usually use is to write the original quote in English on the first line, Mando'a on the second line, and the closest translation of Mando'a back into English on the third. Not mandatory formatting by any means, but that's how I do it and it seems to preemptively answer most questions people ask me about my translations.
Someone once told me that time is like a predator that stalks us all our lives. But I prefer to think of time as a companion, reminding us to treasure each moment... because it'll never come again.
Ash'ad ru'rejorhaar'i ni meg ca'nara cuyi sa kadas meg oya'kar mhi an cuun oyare. A'ni jatne emuur mirdir be ca'nara sa burc'ya, ke'partayli'an mhi shereshir anay sur... jorcu bic olaro'draar tug'yc.
Someone told me that time is like [a] predator that hunts us all our lives. But I prefer to think of time as [a] friend, reminding us to seize every moment... because it comes never again.