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Posted: 07 Nov 2022 19:57
by gelert
I have a vague memory of there being a Mandalorian ritual / ability to disinherit their fathers? I don't have my books with me and a search of the forum didn't yield anything so I was wondering if anyone could confirm that this passage existed? I don't think it was in mando'a but it's an interesting cultural practice and I would be interested in thinking about how to translate something like that into mando'a.

Re: Family

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 01:22
by Tra'nau
Olarom, gelert! I can confirm that this is a concept- the word “dar’buir” (‘no longer’+ ‘parent’) refers to parental divorce. Being divorced by a child is said to only happen if the parent does something extremely egregious/against mandalorian values, and is considered an extreme dishonor to the parent.