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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Nabri'natar » 10 Jul 2016 18:33

Su'cuy Vode. Me'vaar ti gar?

I am a female star wars geek currently living in Georgia. I love the Mandalorian culture. My current goal is to become part of the Mandalorian mercs.

Recently just started learning Mando'a.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 11 Jul 2016 05:22

Su'cuy! Bic jatne taap par Mando'a!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Enaris » 21 Jul 2016 15:50

Su'cuy, vode!

I have just started my journey learning Mando'a, and I am quite briikase to be here.
With your help, I hope the path will be pakod, and I'll be fulfilling resol'nare in no time at all.

Kad Tracyn
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 04 Aug 2016 18:58

Su'cuy, Mando'ade!

My name is Kad Tracyn, which roughly means 'Fire Saber', for those of you who didn't know. I am very interested in becoming fluent in Mando'a, though I'm already decent at it. I wish to become a [Haatla?] Mando'ad, and want to join the Mandalorian Mercs (Mando'ade Ver'verde?).

I am very briikase to be here.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Nojian » 09 Aug 2016 20:34

Su cuy'gar!
I'm working on learning Mando'a but it's been slow going and a lonely road so far! I'm so glad to have found others doing the same!

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 11 Aug 2016 15:23

Well, no need to feel lonely now! Welcome home!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Nickobelenus » 19 Aug 2016 16:05

I'm new here and have ysed the mando'a dictionary for many years but now I am wanting to be able to translate more.

Malco Ropen
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Malco Ropen » 19 Aug 2016 18:03

Su cuy'gar, ner gai cuyir Malco Ropen. I have always wanted to learn to speak Mando'a. So I started googling ways to learn it when I found this site. Vor entye bal briikase oya'kari.

Cathul Thuku
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Cathul Thuku » 22 Aug 2016 16:00

Su cuy'gar; I registered on this website because I role-played a Mandalorian therapist (in that RP website, the character whose name is also the username I use here, assumes complete control of Mandalore's mental healthcare system)...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Kyramlaar » 19 Sep 2016 23:40

Su'cuy... but you see that a lot.

Ni Kyr'amlaar, Aliit'alor be Aliit Cyare. Mhi kebbu gotal'u haar adate be Mandalore. Mhi gana... And I don't have any more stuff to work with. Anyway, we have an facebook page that we use to post language. We want to make this Mando stuff more than just a fantasy. I joined to take a look around and see what you guys were doing, see if I could contribute and learn.

here's our site, if it's against the T&C I apologize, I couldn't find anything definitive on it! Oya!

just removed the link, contact me if you are interested.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by SabaraOne » 24 Sep 2016 17:28

Su'cuy. I am SabaraOne, a budding system admin with a created language facination. I can currently curse fluently in Mando'a, battlecry with a particular ridged forheaded species, and (with a Re'hevkor) can bluff my way through D'ni, though my knowledge of Elvish is nonexistant.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 25 Sep 2016 04:00

I've wanted to learn D'ni for a long time, just been so busy...
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Sabo Dragien
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Sabo Dragien » 03 Oct 2016 17:12

Well I might be a tad bit late to the party but I am here now to learn!

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Kadvandil » 04 Oct 2016 18:23

Hi I'm Jorad Vaan
I use to be known as Kad Vaan but after awhile of learning a bit of Mando'a and diving more into the culture I changed it to Jorad. It's because I have learned to use my voice before my saber. I will admit I'm still very much learning Mando'a and am rather green but I do try to learn quick so who knows.

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Not actually a Mando'a speaker

Unread post by Blogwriter » 05 Dec 2016 20:41

Hi there. I confess I don't speak Mando'an, I'm a technology blogger who's working on a post for my employer on Star Wars languages to be published the second week of December to coincide with the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. I hoped to speak to one or more folks who are leaning Mando'an or other Star Wars languages. The language interest is because my employer, Yappn (yappn.com - Not to be confused with Yavin! :) ) sells enhanced machine translation software. I blog once or twice a week on language and language translation-related topics, and our VP of Sales is a Star Wars fan from way back (so am I, from the release of the original movies back in the day, and I swear I owned every Star Wars tchotchke in the Universe including what was at one time a full set of Burger King drinking glasses. Yes, I'm dating myself!)

My interest would be in why you learn Star Wars languages, and how they might impact your life (I'm curious about this, as being bilingual wires your brain in certain ways. Do you find yourself more proficient at other tasks because you learned another language, however limited it might be at the moment?)

I can speak with folks in the forums, or in private email, whichever works. nicole dot chardenet at yappn dot com.

I appreciate your time.
Nicole Chardenet

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 05 Dec 2016 21:31

Well, I'd say it's helped me in a few things. Having a bit of familiarity with mando'a made learning Arabic a little easier, but other than that I'm not sure what impact I could say it had other than the people I've met through it.

I really just like learning it because I've always found the way that fictional universes are put together to be fascinating, and looking into the languages and scripts of a fictional culture helps understand how everything is tied together.
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vazquar Tra'tabuur » 08 Dec 2016 04:38

My motivation for attempting to learn Mando'a is recreational, though I admit, the large number of swear words that I stood to add to my vocabulary made it an easy choice.

As for how it's affected my daily life, I've noticed myself becoming more adept at thinking outside the box. I believe the reason for this is due to the difference between a Mando mindset and an American mindset, which is forcing me to think in ways that most people don't.

My apologies if this post rambled on too long. I've been up way to long to write very coherently.
Nynir ni daab, ni n'akaanir; Jurkadir ner vode, bal kyr'am nu'ven'cabuor gar teh ni a'den.

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Star Wars languages blog post completed

Unread post by Blogwriter » 19 Dec 2016 15:10

Hi there folks,

I am sorry but I never saw the responses to this here in the forum. I joined essentially to talk to Mando'a speakers and I thought I would get an emaile very time someone responded, but I only did when someone responded privately. So I never saw these and I'm sorry I missed them, as the post is now up.


Hope I did everyone justice!

Thanks to everyone who did respond and I hope you enjoy the new Star Wars movie!

Nicole Chardenet

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Nira Chi
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Nira Chi » 09 Jan 2017 06:43

Su cuy'gar!

Hi, I am Nira Chi, and I am VERY new to Mando'a. I am incredibly excited to start learning and hopefully, drag some of my friends into learning fluent Mando'a. I am a part of Verd'ika Corps and I can not WAIT to be a Merc.

Possibly some advice to get people registered, make it easier to find the creator of Mando'a. I spent forever trying to find it. Took me AGES.

Anyway, I am super pumped.

Chi- out

Blastin' All day

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 09 Jan 2017 18:25

Happy to have you here!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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