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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Aondeug » 24 Apr 2017 06:48

Su'cuy. I tend to go by Aondeug, Aon for short, online. I found the RepComm books a few years back and became very fond of the things. For a variety of reasons, though the language and its relationship with Mando culture is one of the standouts for me. As is the fact that one of the cultural bases used for the Mando'ade were the Celts. I'm a Gaelic polytheist so I do a lot of studying on particularly Irish history, myth, law, folklore, language, and so on. When I first read Hard Contact I went, you know these sound A LOT like the Gaels. Celts in general really, and what do you know. Part of her inspiration were the Celts.

I've used the dictionary here quite a few times and checked up on the guide, but I've yet to really make a solid attempt at learning to communicate in the language. Or with people who are also interested in this sort of thing. So I have finally decided to make an effort at getting to know people. As well as put a more solid effort into learning the language. In part because I want to write poetry in it.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by DralviirJurir » 04 Jun 2017 14:26

Hey, so I started an account here because I've been drawn into discussions on Mandalorian culture and language on tumblr (natswash and izzyovercoffe would know me as ThePhengophobicGamer, I've contributed some personal head canons to a few discussions they had going) and wanted to be abit more involved, I'm not really a language expert but I just spent like half an hour mish-mashing a few words to flesh out some industrial words (kyr'vehruk for to mine, palon'veery for a mine and a few others) so I feel I can at least contribute in some way. I'm generally abit more immursed in the culture of Mandalore, having somewhat built an idea of what I had hoped Mandalore would be like before we were introduced to the New Mandalorians, but hopefully with rebels having many true Mandalorians featured in the next season, some of those thoughts might become more relevant with differant groups of Mandalorians living up to he fandom's exoectations.

Anyway, just saying hi and hoping to participate in some in-depth discussions in he future.

(PS, my username comes from me translating the meaning behind my real name into mando'a, and I'd argue it sounds relatively like a Mandalorian name. If you can guess it you get a cookie.)

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 04 Jun 2017 18:29

Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by AcronAnravis » 06 Jun 2017 18:48

Su Cuy'gar Ver Vode!

I've been a diehard Star Wars fan for as long as i can remember as well as a Mandalorian Fanatic... I've always been fascinated by the lore and history of the Mando'ade and decided i wanted to learn how to try and become one as much as humanly possible by following the Resol'nare. i got "Wear the armor" and "serve the clan" down, now I'm trying to "Speak the Language" better... i started learning a few years back so i know the basics but i kinda stopped after that, but I'm looking to start up again!
Kaysh meg miit'gaana, oyacyi.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Ka'ra_Vizsla » 11 Jun 2017 23:29

Su cuy'gar ner Vode! I am a little new at learning Mando'a. I know a little of the basics but would love to get more into the sentence forming and grammar. I'm usually horrible when it comes to learning a second language but Mando'a is proving to be easy and fun for me. I've been a Star Wars fan since age 4, I've adopted the Mandalorian culture in real life and trying to improve myself in all aspects.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Munnodol » 17 Jun 2017 09:18

Hello Everyone, I go by Munnodol.

I have been a Star Wars fan for over a decade, and recently I went off to college to major in linguistics. Currently, I am looking at constructed languages and Mando'a is the language I am looking at the most. My ultimate goal is to write a Mando'a language book as well as a full history book that includes both canon and legend information. Though, I lack the ability, I would also like to create a website for Mando'a fanfics. I hope you can all help me!


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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Pekatherosh » 19 Jul 2017 17:57

Hi, All!

I've had my eye on Mando'a for a while and have been meaning to pick it up and try to learn it for a while now. After finding this site I decided it was high time I make a valiant effort to start my learning process. I'd be grateful for any help I can get!


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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Najaya Ka'ra » 24 Jul 2017 20:27

Su cuy'gar!

My name is Najaya Ka'ra and I'm pretty enthusiastic about learning Mando'a. Even though I'm a shiny- hands down- I've used it sparingly in some of the Star Wars stories I've written (I'm an aspiring author, btw so I write a lot of fanfiction to sharpen my skills) and I extensively play Star Wars: The Old Republic and have based my characters off of the Mando culture. I'd love to learn more, and I stumbled across this site by accident. Happy accident!

Any help I get with my learning would be amazing. I've written a few poems and other stuff in Mando'a to try my hand at it, so I might post them in the forums for constructive criticism.

Also, I noticed recently on Duolingo that they are working on creating High Valyrian (Game of Thrones) and Klingon (Star Trek). It occurred to me that, since people can help contribute to expanding language learning, it might be a cool project for a Forum dedicated to learning Mando'a to contribute to with our language? Just a thought! I'm really excited to find a place really committed to this, can't you tell?

Anyway, Hello!

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Unread post by Void » 31 Jul 2017 06:36

Last edited by Void on 15 Dec 2019 13:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Kiaragah » 11 Aug 2017 23:46

I'm Kiaragah. I've been a die hard Star Wars fan for quite a while, and decided to learn Mando'a after I played through The Old Republic. I'm still learning, but I tend to obsess, so its going quickly. I was so excited to see a Mando'a forum, and I welcome any help you all have to offer.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Sarad » 23 Sep 2017 00:36

I'm Sarad. I started out as a Star Wars fan and then got into Mando'a when I started reading the Republic Commando books.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by lookout » 26 Sep 2017 11:27

Su'cuy anade!

They call me LookOut (I wonder why??), and became a SW fan at age 12. Like everyone else, I thought Boba Fett to be one bad ass mofo. I have the Mandalorian mythosaur tattooed on my shoulder, because I wanted a SW tattoo that wasn't too obvious and on the nose for non-SW fans.

Then 2 years later (which is about 3 years ago iirc), I read the novel Order 66, which had the phrase "We are all the same, because we are all unique" in it. Seeing as people have described me as unique before, I had the idea to tattoo that on my body as well. And because it came from a Karen Traviss novel, and Mando'a has its own alphabet, I started designing it in that alphabet. Then I got a gf who was not crazy about tattoos, so the idea got buried. Recently we broke up, so the tattoo idea is coming back full force! Meanwhile the vocabulary/dictionary of Mando'a really grow exponentially it seems, so now I would like to see the tattoo in actual Mando'a. However, there are 2 words that I cannot find in the dictionary, i.e. "same" and "unique". And that's why I'm here, to kindly ask for your help in this venture of mine!

I'd like to add that I became really intrigued with the language while doing research for this tattoo, so I'll most likely stick around after this conundrum has been solved :)

FYI the translation I have so far is "Mhi an adla jorcu mhi an haamyc". But "adla" is from the old vocabulary, and the translation for "haamyc" is "unusual", which is not 100% the same of course ...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Taakure » 04 Oct 2017 20:07

I'm Taakure, because I always go by Bones and think I'm clever (I'll respond to either, my dudes) ;) I was raised a SW fan, took my first dive into the EU headfirst when I was about thirteen with Republic Commandos and fell in love with the worldbuilding behind the Mando'ade. In the aftermath of Abrams, I haven't been able to bring myself to dive into the SW literature as a whole again, but I'm starting to catch up on Rebels and seeing some of Traviss's ideas conserved in this new show made my heart sing a little.

I haven't been involved in the fandom in a while and my Mando'a is f a r more than rusty, but due to an argument with a friend who writes Tolkien Elvish fluently, my interest in Mando'a has been rekindled.

Back in 2013 I "learned" enough Mando'a to write a song for a long form fic of mine that I never finished, but stumbled across the song on my hard drive again.

Finding this active forum is a happy surprise and tickles the linguist in my heart! Forgive me if I get lost or seem, I just found this today and have to balance comp eng studies!


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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Vorpan » 08 Oct 2017 16:36

*clips clean through floor in t-pose* Oh, hello

I've been lurking on this site for about a year and a half now after being an on-and-off admirer of Boba Fett for 4 years (now closing in on 5). I haven't really done anything super noteworthy other than my own musings that I've kept relatively private (mostly due to circumstance and laziness) and occasionally translating entire songs (and the Pepe Silvia scene from IASIP) that I've kept almost exclusively private (except for the Pepe Silvia thing; that's on my tumblr, mandalorevevo). I'm very very unfluent in Mando'a and every other real world language that isn't English (which I still butcher from time to time either on accident or due to "Linguistic Nihilism(TM)"), but I hope to become fluent at some point even if it's just to annoy, baffle, or maybe even infuriate aruetiise (maybe for more productive things as well, but I guess we'll see). I would also like to contribute to the world-building aspect since what I've read of Mandalorian (or even just SW in general) headcanons, contributions to meta, etc thus far both on this site and off has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring, and if it were feasible, it would be the only thing I'd read ever. I'm gonna cut myself off before I go on an actual tangent, so uhh, see ya *falls right back through the floor from whence I came*.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by SpiritsBane » 19 Oct 2017 18:32

Hi, Spirit here(?)

I'm a shy person, so sorry about that. I've lurked here for a few months, mainly just looking at the dictionary. I never really got into star wars as a kid, but I was a fan of it, just not hard core. Now, with all the new series and movies that have come out, I'm starting to become fascinated. My knowledge may not be as deep or as extensive with star wars, as my friend, who is a hard core star wars fan, reminds me constantly, but I am here to learn. ;P
What mainly set me on to joining was that I have a character that speaks mando'a. I was just putting words in from the dictionary, but I want to actually learn it so that I can actually write it correctly rather than butchering it. I am a shiny, when it comes to the language, but have learned a few words over use of them. In certain things, I do research, and this language and culture fascinates me, so I actually want to properly learn it. Hence why I am here ^.^

Hope we get to know each other~

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Draalv » 20 Oct 2017 08:48


Long time lurker here, finally having the courage to join up! Been trying to learn Mando'a over the last couple years, but it has been a hit or miss attempt. Hoping one day to get a decent grasp on the language.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by SR-3 » 25 Oct 2017 15:07


Ni Ava, I got interested in the language after reading fanfic, and researched it a bit, and this was recommended. Hoping to speak a decent amount.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Meshurika » 20 Nov 2017 14:30

Su'cuy anade! I have been a Star Wars fan for a while now, and I love learning languages and stuff for fun, so when I found out about Mando'a, I was hooked. I'm doing some Mando'a courses on Memrise, but you know what would be awesome? A MANDO'A DUOLINGO COURSE!! :) Sometimes I speak it out loud to others, but mostly I just speak it to myself because I'm the only person I know irl that speaks Mando'a.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by Mij Ret'lini » 14 Dec 2017 19:58

Hi, all.
I've studied Mando'a since first reading the RC series by Karen Traviss.
I'm constantly translating things for my friends & family into Mando'a, particularly my younger brother.
Still figuring out the armor color scheme & design so I don't have that yet.
My favorite phrase in both English & Mando'a:
"Ret'lini ven cuyir jate."
"Plan B better be good."

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourse

Unread post by yatenari » 28 Dec 2017 12:38

Hello there ;)

English is not my first language, even though I am confident enough in my usage of it. My first language is actually German, so, concerning Mando'a, I am naturally inclined to 'speak' it more like it is written (rendering an ee as a double 'eh' or a long 'eh' instead of a 'i' sound), thus I probably would speak a very strange accent of Mando'a ... well, I guess in a whole galaxy, there would be a lot of accents - even more considering that there are also a lot of different species involved.

I'm a general language enthusiast - which was part of the reason I liked the RC books (I've been conlanging on and off for ages, both with learning fictional languages and creating my own, and whenever I find one that naturally integrates itself in a setting, I instantly get hooked). While I know some words in Mando'a, my biggest interest really is the grammar and structure of it. It's part of the reason I finally decided to actually register on this forum - while exploring things on my own is nice and all, discussing some aspects would be more rewarding. Especially since there are certainly things I wouldn't even think of.

I am trying my hand at creating a lexicon for Mando'a considering interlinear parsing (thus venturing quite deeply into word structures), yet since I have to type in everything by hand it is very slow in taking form, and even slower since I need to find rules to certain things and put them in a way the parser can understand. The goal is to have a lexicon from which a dictionary can be created (using the main forms of words) and which can be used as basis for the parser, so it would correctly interpret a Mando'a sentence.

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