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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 25 May 2021 05:23
by Vlet Hansen
Typos happen, I know people who misspell things out of what appears to be sport more than anything else. Welcome aboard!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:43
by hut'uun'ika
Hi! I'm Mia (she/her), I'm 23, and I live in the Midwest. If I'm honest, I wouldn't have ever discovered Mando'a if it weren't for my hyperfixation with the Disney+ series, but the more I dug, the more I grew to appreciate the language itself, all cute green ad'ike aside. My username is a reference to the fact that I have absolutely no self defence training, although I do intend to take up some kind of classes post-COVID. My interests in the Star Wars fanbase are largely grown from a fascination with historical dress, and I am a historically grounded seamstress. One of my ultimate goals is to complete a full set of kute (unfortunately, I currently lack the skills required to forge beskar'gam, and I don't want to mess that up!) sewn entirely by hand, using natural fibres. If anybody has questions vis a vis costumes, I will do my best to answer!


Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 02 Jun 2021 00:29
by Vlet Hansen
Welcome! And nobody's a coward for not having a skillset yet, don't be too hard on yourself. It's interesting that you've got that background, since it's something I'm trying to get into slowly. Trying to work up the courage to make turnshoes right now...

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 11 Jun 2021 03:46
by EzraRen
Hi I'm Ezra! I'm a genderflux human who goes by they/xe pronouns :) I came to learn Mando'a because I'm hyperfixating on Star Wars and really love Mandalorian culture. I'm relatively new to Mando'a, as Ive only looked at a few words in the dictionary, but I hope to learn as much as I can!

I got into Star Wars a little late but I've been really interested in Mandalorians since I saw The Mandalorian and wondered about the language and culture so I'm hoping to at least learn how to speak the language here!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 03:31
by Vlet Hansen
Olarom! I'm sure you'll like it here!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 21:10
by Shev
Su’cuy! Ni gar Shev, I’m not new to Mandalorian culture and I’m currently making my armor, but I do not yet know the language!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:38
by Vlet Hansen
Olarom! Don't worry, as languages go it's very forgiving! You just have to deal with the limited vocabulary.

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 03 Aug 2021 11:05
by JustWriter
Hi everybody!

I'm JustWriter and I've been browsing the online dictionary for months because some authors on AO3 recommended it.

I have so many questions, like what is orange, shiyayc'getal (yellow-red)? Does Mand'yaim have four seasons, or just seedtime and harvest? What is a triangle, cunak'dul (rectangle-half), hokan'yc cunak (sliced square)? Is a rectangle ta'cunak (doubled square)? I noticed some typos in the dictionary; where do I report those and to whom? How does one use the transcription feature?

This site is so cool! I can't wait to explore some more of it.

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:30
by Vlet Hansen
Given the association of colors and meanings, I almost feel like something deriving from shereshoy might be useful for orange, but your solution is certainly clear enough to be useful. Probably more useful, since it's explicitly colors.

As for seasons, I assume it has to have more than that, since there's at a minimum stuff to do with winter, but there's no explicit answer.

For triangle, I'd try ehn'eso or ehn'taap, a bit more clear on the three-related nature of it. After all, tri-angle is pretty straightforward as a term.

Transcription is pretty straightforward, just type in the box and it should show your letters in a Mandalorian font, then you can make it read-only (which pretty much generates a picture for you to save). If you actually want to type in Mando'a elsewhere, there's fonts available for download online. Also, if it's working properly, we should be able to use it here...

tion ibic jate?

Anyway, welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:31
by Vlet Hansen
Haha nope, the font doesn't work

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 15 Aug 2021 19:28
Su'cuy! I am so glad to be part of this Forum! I know quite a few words in Mando'a and hope to learn a lot more to talk to you guys in Mando'a!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 16 Aug 2021 18:24
by ca'tra

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:03
by Vlet Hansen

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 27 Aug 2021 15:52
by CoyoteSly
Su'cuy, I'm in a number of Discords that are partially or completely focused on Mando'a and I figured it was about time I joined the OG forum. Been building resources that others might find helpful.

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:36
by Vlet Hansen
Olarom! We're glad to have you!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 28 Aug 2021 03:22

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 12 Sep 2021 18:59
by Morla Kryze
Su'cuy vode,
I am Morla Kryze of clan Kryze. I am super excited to immerse my self in Mandalorian culture.

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 12 Sep 2021 19:00
by Vlet Hansen
Olarom, Morla!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 12 Sep 2021 19:24
Olarom! Glad you could join us!

Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:29
by circadiana

my name is circadiana. i'm super interested in mando'a and have been probably since The Mandalorian came out on Disney. I've done some surface-level research into legends content but I have to admit it's a bit intimidating lol. but i'm currently working through a couple different resources to learn mando'a! i've also joined the oyu'baat discord server.

hobby-wise, i'm an artist (and hoping to be one professionally!) i'm super into the bad batch and the clone wars right now and so 99% of my art pertains to that. i also read and write music!

excited to meet people and learn more :)