What are we?

For everything not directly related to learning Mando'a.
An Epic Hippo
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What are we?

Unread post by An Epic Hippo » 22 Nov 2012 23:26

So, I'm just curious, I love Star Wars, especially the Mandos, but I still keep wondering...

Do we consider ourselves Mandalorians? Is the Mando culture accepted as our culture by us? Do you consider yourself a real life mandalorian?(Obviously we're not going around waging war and conquering for glory in battle and what-not) Or are we just a bunch of people who like Star Wars and want to learn Mando'a?

Mandalorians who happen to be fans...
Or just fans who like Mando'a and stuff?

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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Adi'karta » 06 Dec 2012 08:16

I suppose it would really depend on whom you ask. The main purpose of this site in particular is to support the language. Several of our ranks are in the Mandalorian Mercs, and therefore might be considered Mandalorians, but in the end that label would have to be chosen by the individual, and approved by the community. Perhaps like how one cannot truly be a "hacker" until another hacker has granted you the label.

Myself, I'm not sure. I wanted to be a Mandalorian, but I got ddistracted by all the other shiny things in the world. As a person, I have always respected martial arts, a sharp mind, a varied skill set (including languages), and teaching people to be independent. I guess that kinda makes me a Mandalorian, but I'm not sure I deserve that name.
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Cuyan Atinii
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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Cuyan Atinii » 31 Dec 2012 05:14

SWI issue 86 pg 20 wrote: Mando'ade regard the six acts - known as the Six Actions, or Resol'Nare - as central to Mandalorian identity: wearing armor, speaking the Mandalorian language, defending themselves and their families, raising their children as Mandalorians, contributing to the clan's welfare, and rallying to the Mand'alor when called to arms. Anyone who practices them is consitered a Mando'ad.
According to that, anyone who meets those standards could consider themselves a Mando.
It is just up to each's opinions/desires.

I personally like to think of myself as a Mandalorian.
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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Raeth » 10 Jan 2014 01:01

Everything must be understood in context:

Do I live a long time ago n a galaxy far, far away? No. Do I hunt bounties or serve as a mercenary soldier? No. Do I know where to find a good roba steak? No.

As an analogy, though, consider Romeo and Juliet. A fictional tale, but one that is timelessly identifiable with because it is constructed of real emotion, motivations, and natures - love, angst, betrayal, revenge, tragedy, and so on.

So, in that sense, I incorporate Mando'ade 'culture' and Mando'a language into my life. I give a nod to the fact that its origins are in fiction and imagination. But, there are 'real' ideas, ethos, and philosophies on life therein. That element of wonder about human nature connects my real life with the fictional in a, for me, comfortable adoption and hybridization of the Mando'ad identity.

Am I Mando'ad? You bet, vod!
Part father, part artist, part perpetual student, part gamer, part Japan-o-phile, part contrarian, part instigator, part anthropologist, part blacksmith, part costumer, part food lover, part writer, part adventurer, part eccentric...

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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Adi'karta » 10 Jan 2014 01:05

I stumbled across this page a few days ago and have left it open on my mobile browser so I can refer to it every now and then: http://www.angelfire.com/tartal/Mandoculture.html

I like the author's attitude. Everyone can be Mando'ad, and by some ideas, everyone already is.
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Jan 2014 01:08

I agree with this sentiment in general.
The culture's basis may be in fiction, but most of what we think about the Spartans is too by this point.
Doesn't stop everyone else in the Corps going nuts over them.
All that matters is the philosophy.

On the topic of wearing the armor, I usually take that to mean "dress practically"
Mandalorians are not a people fond of frippery. Were there a coherent style, I'd wear it. In TCW they like to put various ever-so-slightly armor-referencing designs around, and I'm okay with that. Still, the main focus to me is just dress for practicality first, and avoid excessively fancy things.
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aren vaal
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Re: What are we?

Unread post by aren vaal » 13 Nov 2014 06:28

Ok, I realize this post borders on necromancy, bring back a dead thread, but, with the low level of activity here in general, I figured it was worth it.

I consider myself a Mandalorian in training. I am still learning mando'a, slowly but surely, and still learning to defend myself unarmed/in melee (I'm already a halfway decent shot with a pistol, thanks to military training and my genetics--my buir was on the US Navy-Marine Corps pistol team back in the 1960's).

I wear a homemade medallion of polished aircraft-grade aluminum with a mythosaur skull sandblasted into it, about the size of a dog tag, and shaped more or less like the sternum plate from a suit of beskar'gam, as a symbolic piece of armor (because if I showed up for work in full beskar'gam, I'd likely be arrested, let alone fired lol).

I am devoted to my five-year-old. At the present time, just about everything I do, I do for her. Her mother betrayed me, but that's a story for another time. I have also unoficially adopted (Mandalorian-style) several very close friends, one of whom has openly accepted the resol'nare himself, as a member of Aliit Vaal'Kazh.

Should anyone pose a threat to ANY of my friends or family, he or she had damn well better hope the police find them before I do.

When any of my family asks for help, I come running, no questions asked.

So, yes, I consider myself a Mandalorian. Ner gai Aren Vaal. Ni cuyi mando'ad.
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 13 Nov 2014 22:02

By literal definition, that's what makes you Mandalorian.
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Re: What are we?

Unread post by Tempest » 29 Feb 2016 16:31

I've thought on this lots, and here's my own conclusion: follow the resol'nare the best you can at every opportunity and claim to be Mandalorian. Easier said than done, but fairly simple. Also, this is a line of 'yes' or 'no'. Whether or not you're mandakarla is something to ask someone in your aliit (in private).
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