Words i accumulated or invented so far

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 07 Mar 2015 22:32

I'm already examining it, vod. This is always going to be a place where new knowledge is gleefully devoured.

Regarding the handwriting, I have a lot of spare time right now, I'm going to start making a handwriting version just to see how it goes. First prototype will be block letters strongly based off the existing script, just simplified for the hand. Maybe a cursive version will come later.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 08 Mar 2015 00:47

Taljair, I promise that your work will not mysteriously disappear, nor will it go unattributed.

I will work out the code required to add your new vocabulary and to highlight it as user-contributed with a link to your user page or at least your name before having you actually share the file with me. I need to think about how to enable you to edit/update your entries in the event they evolve or corrections need to be made. For the time being any spreadsheet you contribute would remain as a file upload link here in the forum for others to view; as I finish the changes required to support integrating it, I will then contact you again by PM. What I am proposing here is a rather large change to the way the translator is currently managed, so it won't be ready for a while. In the meantime we will learn from (and analyse) what you have shared in this thread in plaintext. :)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 08 Mar 2015 11:39

This is my work. It's still work in progress, but this is the latest i have.
The blue lines is the words i added. Please, dont look at the "written" column, it's still needs work done.
And i dont really need any access to admin the translator, i dont have a lot of time and probably skill to do that anyway. I just trust you will use what i did so far for good purpose.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 13 Mar 2015 13:48

Looks like i made a common mistake and messed up the "way" an "road" words. Took "goy" for stem while in fact it was "yust". Working on correcting it all.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 14 Mar 2015 01:09

In case anyone is wondering where some of their posts went, I split this discussion into two more topics, to cater more specifically to each discussion.

The posts concerning alternate time measurement systems can now be found here: viewtopic.php?t=110

The posts concerning writing systems can now be found here: viewtopic.php?t=111

This thread can continue to host discussion related to Taljair's additions to the lexicon.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 14 Mar 2015 08:46

I'd just thought you need to correct the entry about me in "List of custom words" for i didnt add 2000 words, just something around 700
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 14 Mar 2015 15:05

Good catch. Changed.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 25 Mar 2015 11:14

Men, i was thinking about the see/look words. We seem to have a common stem in those words, namely "sur". And this word has to have a meaning by itself i think. The most sensible meaning would be "eye", but we have a cannon word for it already (sur'haai). In my humble opinion it's too long, but i'm not voting to change it, its cannon anyway. So i was thinking "sur" can mean "sight". Not the "landscape" but simply the picture before your eyes, something you see at the given moment.
In this case "sur'gaan", "sur'ar" and others fall neatly with this meaning, along with new words like "sur'dha".
Any thoughts on this?
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 25 Mar 2015 14:34

Sounds good. I usually shorten eye to haai anyways...
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 30 Mar 2015 12:00

aar'beten [ahr-BEY-tehn] - groan, moan (noun)
aar'betenor [ahr-bey-TEHN-or] - groan, moan (verb)
ali'nar [ah-lee-NAHR] - duty, actions requiered of individual as part of a team or clan
gotala [go-TAH-lah] - technology
grati'troan [grah-tee-TRAWN] - face that asks for a punch (not by physical appearance, but by behavior or past deeds)
Iral'kar [ee-rahl-KAHR] - Galaxy
jate'bana [JAH-tay-BAH-nah] - chance
jeha'kas [jeh-hah-KAHS] - false smile, when someone smiles but in truth feels sad or disappointed
kaanyc [KAH-neesh] - armed, weaponized
kas [kahs] - smile (noun)
koo'nar [koo-NAHR] - duty, actions one must perform as part of an agreement
kyr'nuhoy [keer-noo-HOY] - coma (lit. "death sleep")
mandor [man-DOHR] - alphabet, grammar
nekaanyc [neh-KAH-neesh] - unarmed, disarmed
nuho'laar [noo-hoh-LAHR] - lullaby
shuk'suvar [shook-soo-VAHR] - misunderstanding
sur [soor] - sight, picture before the eyes, something the eyes see at the given moment
suvar [soo-VAHR] - understanding, state of agreement between two or several persons
ten'troan [ten-TRAWN] - open face, someone who is always truthful and open for any dialog
toir [toh-EER] - join (verb)
tug'hailir [toog-hay-LEER] - refill, replenish, rebuild (ranks)
tuur'solet [toor-so-LAYT] - calendar

Word count: 1913

The following is just a suggestion and open for discussion.


adu - who (as in “I knew a guy, who was there”)
megin - which, what (before a vowel) (as in “My apple, which is bigger than yours”)
meg - which, what (before a consonant) (as in “My apple, which is bigger than yours”)
tuu - when (as in “I’ll pay you when you deliver the goods”)
vai - where (as in “He never knew where it came from”)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 31 Mar 2015 15:17

do we have words for how and why yet?
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 31 Mar 2015 15:48

"Why" could be tion'jorbe (what reason).

"How" would begin with tion and end with whatever word we can find for "method", "way", etc.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 31 Mar 2015 17:52

Actually we have cannon word for "why" - its "tion'jor"
As for "how" - I already suggested "tion'bor", as in "what work it requiered"
Last edited by Tal’jair Rusk on 31 Mar 2015 22:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 31 Mar 2015 17:56


And I swear "tion'jor" did not come up in the dictionary when I searched it before my post. :ugh:

That said...it's definitely descended from the same stem I picked for my custom construction. :D
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 01 Apr 2015 10:33

ba'jurar [bah-jur-AHR] - instruction, lesson, manual
bev'dinuir [bev-DEE-noo-EER] - inject the needle (just the action, not delivery of medicine)
gotab [goh-TAHB] - mechanic
gotal'ad [go-tahl-AHD] - maker, creator
jah'bev [jah-BEV] - syringe, medicine ready for injection, stimulator
jah'bevir [jah-beh-VEER] - give injection, inject medicine or stimulator
Jate ca! [JAH-tay kah!] - "Good night!" (when go to sleep)
Jate tuur! [JAH-tay toor!] - "Good day!", "Good afternoon!" (formal greeting)
mesh [mesh] - beauty
mirda [meer-DAH] - mind, intelligence
ori'hett [OH-ree-HAYT] - explosion
shun'ad [shoon-AHD] - baker (profession)
shunir [shoo-NEER] - bake (verb)
skran'ad [scrahn-AHD] - cook, chef (profession)
soor'talir [soor-tah-LEER] - draw blood, take blood sample


jor - why (as in "That’s why I did it")
boru - how (as in "That’s how I did it")

Word count: 1929
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 03 Apr 2015 08:26

adu [ah-DOO] - who (as in “I knew a guy, who was there”)
ash'emuurir [ash-eh-MOOR-eer] - please someone (verb)
boru [boh-ROO] - how (as in "That’s how I did it")
cyar [shar] - love (more common and simple term, mostly used to describe relations of couples)
cyar'ad [shar-AHD] - lover
dalgaatir [dahl-gah-TEER] - whore around (verb, the most disgraceful behavior for a woman or a man, considered to be the lowest life imaginable)
duhaal [doo-HAHL] - sickness, illness
emuur [eh-MOOR] - joy, pleasure
hoka'jag [ho-kah-JAHG] - eunuch (very rarely literal, mostly used to describe someone who lost his courage. Very insulting)
jagaatir [jah-gah-TEER] - serve, lackey (verb)
jor [johr] - why (as in "That’s why I did it")
kyr'duhaal [keer-doo-HAHL] - fatal sickness, cancer or alike
sen'ad [sen-AHD] - sailor
tal'gev [tahl-GEHV] - blood clot
tra'verd [trah-VAIRD] - paratrooper, airborn
tuu [too] - when (as in “I’ll pay you when you deliver the goods”)
vai [VAH-ee] - where (as in “He never knew where it came from”)

Word count: 1946
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 03 Apr 2015 22:12

I'm entirely too busy these days to comment at length, but don't think that means these aren't being appreciated!
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 06 Apr 2015 11:46

gai'miit [GUY-meet] - noun
gotyc [goh-TEESH] - mechanic, constructed (adjective)
jat [jaht] - Okay (short from "jate", used as an agreement reply, same as "okay" in english)
kaj'geroya [KAHJ-geh-ROY-ah] - card game, very similar to modern children's game Uno (never played for money or bets, just for fun)
kebrik'miit [keh-BREEK-meet] - adjective
murey'lin [MOO-ray-leen] - lust
nar'miit [NAR-meet] - verb
saan [sahn] - worth, reliability (not monetary, but rather arbitrary, often referred to people)
ten'saanir [ten-sah-NEER] - prove one's worth, prove yourself (lit. "open one's worth")
to'ad [toh-AHD] - member (of community, group etc.)
veeryc [VEER-eesh] - local (meaning something that belongs to the indicated area, like laws, time, taxes etc.)

Word count: 1957
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 10 Apr 2015 07:29

akaan'ba'slanar [Ah-kahn-bah-slah-NAR] - surrender, give up
akaan'jorir [ah-KAHN-jaw-REER] - warn, alarm (verb)
amir [ah-MEER] - change (verb)
bas'ika [BAH-see-kah] - baby animal
beh [beh] - about (the 'h' is pronounced soundly)
cer'kal [sair-KAHL] - claw
cirar [see-RAHR] - cold (noun)
cir'pirir [seer-pee-REER] - freeze (verb)
cyarir [SHAH-reer] - love (verb)
gar'ni [gahr-NEE] - each other ("you and me")
jay [jay] - scream, shriek, shout (noun)
kadas [kah-DAHS] - predator, carnivorous animal
kadas'ika [kah-DAH-see-kah] - cub, pup, baby predator
K'akaan'jori! [kah-KAHN-jaw-REE] - "Sound the alarm!"
kay'kaysh [kay-KAYSH] - each other ("he/she and he/she")
kov'dayn [kov-DAIN] - bow (noun)
kov'daynir [kov-dai-NEER] - bow (verb)
mir'tra [meer-TRAH] - memory (capacity of a brain to store information)
novor [NO-vor] - close, shut (verb)
nuhurir [noo-hoo-REER] - joke, amuse (verb)
orukaded [oh-roo-kah-DED] - bear (animal from Mandalor, looks like a bear with hairless skin and growing up to 5 meters in hight. Extremely protective of it's pups even after they reach adulthood)
pel'tigaan [pel-tee-GAHN] - tenderness
saradir [SAH-rah-deer] - blossom, bloom (verb)
suruy [soo-ROOY] - memory, recollection
Troan'ashir mhi oyacyi ne'nari mhi oyayc. [trawn-ah-SHEER mee oy-YAH-shee neh-nah-REE mee oy-AYSH.] - "Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive" (mandalorian saying)
woorir [woo-REER] - blow (verb)

Word count: 1983
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 16 Apr 2015 07:29

gaa'tayl [gah-TAYL] - help (noun)
Gar ori'narseryc [Gar OH-ree-nar-SAIR-eesh] - "You're too serious", "You're thinking too hard" (general comment to relax and not take the discussion too seriously)
tion'beh [tee-ON-beh] - what about?
vodyc [voh-DEESH] - brotherly, friendly
yam'vhet [yahm-VET] - yard, court
tome'droten [TOH-may-DROH-ten] - nation, nationality
cu'amir [koo-ah-MEER] - become, turn into, transform (by itself)
cuam'ad [koo-ahm-AHD] - changeling, shapeshifter, transformer

It looks like I miscalculated our achievement in word count. There seem to be a lot of duplicates in the dictionary (“solus” for example was put in 4 times). Fixing the thing took a little time.
Excluding the phrases and proverbs we also have in the dictionary (which number no less then 91) we now stand with 1873 words in the dictionary.
I’ll keep working myself as well as looking and searching for other people’s inventions and additions to include in the dictionary. Current goal is at least 2000 words, which as Kar’ika so humbly put it is a minimum for language to survive. Keep it up people, we’re almost there!
Tal'jair Rusk
Te tuur tal jai o'r dha ca...

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