Words i accumulated or invented so far

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 16 Apr 2015 13:17

Make one for "scholar".

Then, use it as your title.

(My personal suggestion is mir'ad)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 16 Apr 2015 14:34

Is there a sign of sarcasm i hear? Cause it sounds a lot like "You being a smartass" to me.
Im joking of course :)

Mir'ad [meer-AHD] - scholar, scientist
mir'adar [meer-ahd-AHR] - science (noun)
mir'adir [meer-ahd-EER] - research (verb)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 17 Apr 2015 09:15

gan'gaanir [gahn-gah-NEER] - shake hands (verb)
irudar [ee-roo-DAHR] - hug, embrace (noun)
irudir [ee-roo-DEER] - hug, embrace (verb)
laam'gaan [lahm-GAHN] - hand salute, hand wave
nuh'sur'tayl [nooh-soor-TILE] - movie, film
sur'tayl [soor-TILE] - video, video recording
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vazquar Tra'tabuur » 17 Apr 2015 20:23

Kandosii'la, Taljair! If and when I've got the time and a pc that isn't such a duse piece of crap, I'll definitely go over them in far more detail.
Nynir ni daab, ni n'akaanir; Jurkadir ner vode, bal kyr'am nu'ven'cabuor gar teh ni a'den.

Strike me down, and I'll not fight back; Threaten my brothers, and even death will not protect you from my wrath.

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 30 Apr 2015 13:10

beri'tuur [bei-ree-TOOR] - payment day (mostly used as an offensive remark or threat)
ede [ee-DEH] - tooth
gaanada [gah-NAH-dah] - choice, selection, menu (rarely)
gai'miit'gam [guy-meet-GAHM] - document, agreement (lit. "page with a name")
hak'briik [HAHK-breek] - timeline, schedule, roster
tal'ede [tahl-ee-DEH] - bat, vampire (lit. "blood tooth")
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 02 May 2015 17:36

Hmm. Beri'tuur. I could get behind that...
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 07 May 2015 07:52


0 - naasad [NAHS-ahd]; naas'yc [NAHS-eesh]
1 - solus [SOH-loos]; sol'yc [SOHL-eesh]
2 - t’ad [tahd]; tad'yc [TAHD-eesh]
3 - ehn [ayhn]; ehn'yc [AYHN-eesh]
4 - cuir [COO-eer]; cuir'yc [COO-eer-eesh]
5 - rayshe’a [ray-SHEE-ah]; rayshe'yc [ray-SHEH-eesh]
6 - resol [reh-SOL]; resol'yc [reh-SOL-eesh]
7 - e’tad [EH-tad]; etad'yc [EH-tad-eesh]
8 - sh’ehn [shayn]; shehn'yc [SHAYN-eesh]
9 - she’cu [SHAY-koo]; shek'yc [SHEK-eesh]
10 - ta’raysh [ta-RAYSH]; taray'yc [ta-RAY-eesh]
11 - taray'sol [ta-ray-SOHL]; taray'solyc [ta-ray-SOHL-eesh]
12 - taray'tad [ta-ray-TAHD]; taray'tadyc [ta-ray-TAHD-eesh]
13 - taray'ehn [ta-ray-AYHN]; taray'ehnyc [ta-ray-AYHN-eesh]
14 - taray'cur [ta-ray-KOOR]; taray'curyc [ta-ray-KOOR-eesh]
15 - taray'she [ta-ray-SHAY]; taray'she'yc [ta-ray-SHAY-eesh]
16 - taray'rol [ta-ray-ROHL]; taray'rolyc [ta-ray-ROHL-eesh]
17 - taray'etad [ta-ray-ee-TAHD]; taray'etadyc [ta-ray-ee-TAHD-eesh]
18 - taray'shehn [ta-ray-SHEHN]; taray'shehnyc [ta-ray-SHEHN-eesh]
19 - taray'shek [ta-ray-SHEK]; taray'shekyc [ta-ray-SHEK-eesh]
20 - ad’eta [ahd-AY-tah]; ad'etyc [ahd-AY-teesh]
30 - ehn’eta [AYN-ay-tah]; ehn'etyc [AYN-ay-teesh]
40 - cur’eta [COOR-ay-tah]; cur'etyc [COOR-ay-teesh]
50 - she’eta [SHEH-ay-tah]; she'etyc [SHEH-ay-teesh]
60 - rol’eta [ROHL-ay-tah]; rol'etyc [ROHL-ay-teesh]
70 - tad’eta [TAHD-ay-tah]; tad’etyc [TAHD-ay-teesh]
80 - shehn’eta [shayn-EH-tah]; shehn’etyc [shayn-EH-teesh]
90 - shek’eta [SHAYK-ay-tah]; shek’etyc [SHAYK-ay-teesh]
100 - olan [OH-lahn]; olan'yc [OH-lahn-eesh]
1000 - ta’raysholan [tah-RAYSH-oh-LAHN]; ta’raysholan'yc [tah-RAYSH-oh-LAHN-eesh]
5000 - she'eta'olan [SHEH-ay-tah-oh-LAHN]; she'eta'olan'yc [SHEH-ay-tah-oh-LAHN-eesh]
ten thousand - iral [ee-RAHL]; iralyc [ee-RAHL-eesh]
one million - alan [ah-LAHN]; alanyc [ah-LAHN-eesh]
one hundred million - ekar [eh-KAHR]; ekaryc [eh-KAHR-eesh]
ten billion - ushar [oosh-AHR]; usharyc [oosh-AHR-eesh]
one trillion - ebal [eh-BAHL]; ebalyc [eh-BAHL-eesh]
one hundred trillion - obak [oh-BAHK]; obakyc [oh-BAHK-eesh]
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 13 May 2015 07:36

baar'hokan [bahr-ho-KAHN] - operation, surgery (medical)
bor'taap [bohr-TAHP] - workplace, workstation, office; job (rare)
gaa'kaan [gah-KAHN] - weapon, any tool used to kill
go'briik [goh-BREEK] - angle
hokan [ho-KAHN] - cut, slit, section (noun)
kadikaan [kah-dee-KAHN] - long hilted weapon, very similar to pick hammer, with one side a sharp wedge and the other a ribbed hammer
kara'vhipir [KAY-rah-fee-PEER] - nebula, clouds of star dust
lub, 'lub [loob] - suffix, meaning same as english "-ful". The resulting word is noun, not adjective (for adjective add "-yc")
nas, 'nas [nahs] - suffix, meaning same as english "-less". The resulting word is noun, not adjective (for adjective add "-yc")
shuur [shoor] - shard, splinter, piece of a broken
tra'vhipir [trah-fee-PEER] - cloud
trikayc [tree-KAHSH] - sorry (light apology, like "Haven’t heard it, sorry")
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 13 May 2015 09:14

Not all of the following are new words, just thought what commands and replies could be used in combat situations. These commands could be accompanied by hand gestures as well.

Gev! [gehv] – Stop (fist up)
Rud gayiyl [ROOD guy-EEL] - Spread out (five fingers outstretched from fist)
Lek'morut [leck-moh-ROOT] - Secure the area (circular motion with index and middle finger)
Hiib'yaim [HEEB-yay-EEM] - Make camp
Hetti bic [HAY-tee BEEK]- Take it out (point at target with index and middle finger)
Hukaat [HOO-kaht] - Cover me (palm up)
Tok'kad [toh-KAHD] - Pull back (palm down motioning backwards)
Vaii haili [VAY hay-LEE] - Scout ahead

Elek [EL-eck] – Affirmative (thumb up)
Nayc [naysh] – Negative (shake head)
Suvar [soo-VAHR] – Acknowledged (nod)
O'r taap [ohr-TAHP] - In position (index finger outstretched from fist)
Ni pare [nee PAH-ray] - Standing by
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 13 May 2015 14:58

I like it, it's applicable.

Gonna use this, and probably annoy the hell out of some people, next field ex...
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 15 May 2015 09:49

gevin [geh-VEEN] - stop, pause, point on the way (noun)
gor'kaan [gohr-KAHN] - warhammer
hukaan [hoo-KAHN] - cover, shelter, defensive structure (noun)
tra'kyramur [trah-kee-RAHM-oor] - bombard, attack from air
uliin [oo-LEEN] - transportation, traffic, conveyance, cargo carriage (logistics process)
uliinir [oo-LEEN-eer] - transport, carry, ship, ferry (verb)
ga'epar [gah-ay-PAR] - feed (lit. "give eat")
ruvaabur [roo-VAH-boor] - be accustomed, be used to (verb)
ori'bal'ban [OH-ree-bahl-BAHN] - especially
ba'jun [bah-JOON] - practice, exercise
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 21 May 2015 10:00

bas'kotakur [BAHS-koh-tah-KOOR] - goat, sheep (noun)
bevagol [bayv-AH-gohl] - penis, dick, cock (noun)
birov'la [bee-ROHV-lah] - multiple, many (adjective)
carudir [kah-ROOD-eer] - fume, emit smoke (from burning for example) (verb)
dirtaab [deer-TAHB] - ankle (noun)
dirtaab agol [deer-TAHB AH-gohl] - calf (lit. "ankle muscle") (noun)
gepa'haalas [geh-pah-HAH-las] - breast (lit. "feed chest") (noun)
kov'taakur [kov-TAH-koor] - horn (noun)
laam'irtaab [lahm-eer-TAHB] - hip, thigh (noun)
neret'yc [nay-RET-eesh] - impossibe (adjective)
seri [SAI-ree] - exactly (adverb)
taab'agol [tahb-AH-gohl] - leg muscles (noun)
to'taab [toh-TAHB] - groin (lit. "leg connection") (noun)
ur'takur [oor-TAH-koor] - chin (lit. "mouth bone") (noun)
yaiten [yay-TEN] - vagina (anatomical) (noun)
yam'cerkal [yahm-sair-KAHL] - cat (noun)
yam'kaded [yahm-kah-DED] - dog (noun)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 22 May 2015 10:23

bid'yc [ BEE-deesh ] - such (adjective)
curud [ koo-ROOD ] - carriage, cart, wagon (lit. "four wheels") (noun)
di'dunar [ dee-doo-NAHR ] - forgiveness, pardon (lit. "forgotten mistake") (noun)
di'dunarir [ dee-doo-NAH-reer ] - forgive, pardon (lit. "forget mistake") (verb)
dunar [ doo-NAHR ] - mistake, error, misdeed (noun)
dunarir [ doo-NAH-reer ] - make mistake, err (verb)
garast [ GAH-rahst ] - yourself (pronoun)
got'curud [ GOHT-koo-ROOD ] - car (lit. "four wheel vehicle") (noun)
kayst [ kaist ] - himself, herself (pronoun)
kihla [ KEEH-lah ] - small (adjective)
Mandal gotabe [ MAHN-dahl goh-TAH-beh ] - Mandalmotors (name)
mhiist [ meest ] - ourselves (pronoun)
Naas susul [ NAHS soo-SOOL ] - "Heard none", "None taken" (stadart reply to "Nu'takis" - "No offense") (phrase)
ne'sushir [ neh-SOO-sheer ] - ignore (verb)
niist [ neest ] - myself (pronoun)
Nu'takis [ noo-TAH-kees ] - "No offence" (replied by "Naas susul" - lit. "Heard none") (phrase)
ori'sushir [ OH-ree-SOO-sheer ] - pay close attention (verb)
ude'tuure [ oo-day-TOO-ray ] - leave, vacation (noun)
valast [ VAH-last ] - themselves (pronoun)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 19 Jun 2015 12:37

brii'gaht [ bree-GAHT ] - meridian (noun)
dra'kaan [ drah-KAHN ] - cannon, heavy gun (lit. "Powerful weapon", mostly reffering to ships weaponry, not ones you can carry) (noun)
evaar'shukar [ EE-var-shoo-KAHR ] - Neo-crusader (noun)
geroyacir [ geh-ROY-ah-sheer ] - play (verb)
go'gaht [ goh-GAHT ] - compass (noun)
Jat'jahaal! [ jaht-jah-HAHL ] - "Cheers!" (phrase usualy used when drinking) (phrase)
kan'kaan [ kan-KAHN ] - big gun (sarcastic name for powerful weapons, like minigun or alike) (noun)
keb'ika [ KEH-bee-kah ] - thingy, small thing (mostly referrs to children toys) (noun)
Mirut! [ mee-ROOT ] - Of course (phrase)
murce [ MOOR-shay ] - lips (pl.) (noun)
shukar [ shoo-KAHR ] - crusader (noun)
shu'trayc [ shoo-TRAYSH ] - shotgun (one of traditional mandalorian weapons, gun shooting bursts of metal shards with wide spread) (noun)
sur'geb [ soor-GEHB ] - telescopic / optical sight, zoom (noun)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 20 Jun 2015 11:29

I like mirut particularly
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 30 Jun 2015 07:59

tra'taabur [ trah-tah-BOOR ] - nomad (lit. "Star traveller", rarely - homeless) (noun)
baar'jurkad [ bahr-JOOR-kad ] - rape, assault, violation (extreme crime in mandalorian society. Enough to get a death warrant from the whole nation) (noun)
ak'naryc [ ahk-nah-REESH ] - intrusive, rude (adjective)
yaihad [ yai-HAHD ] - pregnancy (noun)
yaihadir [ yai-HAHD-eer ] - conceive, impregnate (verb)
yaihad'yc [ yai-HAHD-eesh ] - term describing the physical condition of a pregnant woman (like morning sickness, change of mood, etc.) (adjective)
daltal [ dahl-TAHL ] - menstruation, (a woman's) period, monthlies (noun)
daltala [ dahl-TAH-lah ] - sarcastic term, describing the irrationality or irritability of a woman in or before her period (adjective)

PS: someone may wonder about my choices of words to make, but i create them as i meet the need for them in day to day life
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 06 Jul 2015 14:57

Akaan'ade ash'amu. Verde oyacyi. [ AH-kahn-AH-day ash-AH-moo. Vairday oy-YAH-shee. ] - "Soldiers (armies) die. Warriors live on." (Mandalorian saying) (Proverb)
got'solir [ goht-soh-LEER ] - unite, make one, gather (lit. "forge as one") (verb)
haa'yam [ hah-YAHM ] - watch-tower (lit. "eye tower") (noun)
lor'birgaan [ lor-beer-GAHN ] - "meatbag" (Mandalorian equivalent of "cannon fodder", expendable soldiers) (noun)
nuh'ad [ nooh-AHD ] - comedian, actor, player (noun)
nuh'yaim [ NOOH-yay-eem ] - theatre, circus (lit. "fun house") (noun)
sola [ SOH-lah ] - single, isolated, lonely (adjective)
Solaad [ soh-LAHD ] - Uniter (used in title) (name)
solaar [ soh-LAHR ] - unity (rethorical term, meaning mostly the sense of belonging to mandalorian nation and culture) (noun)
solir [ soh-LEER ] - isolate, insulate (lit. "make alone") (verb)
yam'sol [ yahm-SOHL ] - outpost, fort (noun)
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 16 Jul 2015 16:30

Mir'ad, I know who really needs your help...

http://w11.zetaboards.com/TrueMandalori ... 283/1/#new

I'll be linking this there, as well.
The community is strengthened.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 18 Jul 2015 09:50

The whole and only reason im doing it is to spread mando'a as far as possible. So link as much as you want. But itll be pretty hard for me to keep up with a lot of forums, so ill keep working here. If need help with words or translations or grammar - ill be glad to help, just post questions in this thread.
And, please, call me Tal. :)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 27 Jul 2015 10:20

abesh'la [ AH-besh-lah ] - eastern (adjective)
agolyc [ AH-gohl-eesh ] - biological (adjective)
atinar [ ah-tee-NAHR ] - toughness (noun)
ba'vod [ bah-VOD ] - cousine (noun)
bes'agol [ bez-AH-gohl ] - cyborg (lit. "Iron flesh") (noun)
ijaat'la [ ee-JAHT-lah ] - honorable (adjective)
kaan'goran [ kahn-goh-RAHN ] - weaponsmith (noun)
naak'jorad [ nahk-jaw-RAHD ] - diplomat (noun)
naak'jorhayc [ nahk-joh-HAH-eesh ] - diplomatic (adjective)
rug'taab [ roog-TAHB ] - football, soccer (noun)
syn [ sin ] - spark (archaic, poetic, as in "a spark between two people") (noun)
ta'haatla [ tah-HAHT-lah ] - revised (lit. "twice true") (adjective)
veer'run [ vee-ROON ] - citizenship (noun)
wasuur'la [ WAH-soor-lah ] - western (adjective)
Tal'jair Rusk
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