Words i accumulated or invented so far

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Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 02 Aug 2015 10:16

As I promised, updated dictionary spread sheet. Please comment, lack of feedback is really disappointing...
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 02 Aug 2015 19:26

I really appreciate it, vod, I'm just turbo busy with stuff so I haven't had time to go over the entire list yet.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by nikolojedison » 05 Aug 2015 20:23

Tal, this is really interesting. I feel I can't really give useful feedback as I don't know as much of the language but from what I can tell it appears really thought out.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 10 Aug 2015 12:00

cir'tayat [ seer-TAI-aht ] - refrigerator, fridge, cold storage (noun)
dal'ika [ DAHL-eek-ah ] - girl (very rarely used) (noun)
jag'ika [ JAG-eek-ah ] - boy (very rarely used) (noun)
jormiit'gam [ jor-meet-GAM ] - mail, letter (noun)
kad'cetare [ kahd-set-ARE-ay ] - shoes (female heels, lit. "sharp boots") (noun)
keb'hiibir [ kehb-HEE-beer ] - shop (verb)
miit'yam [ meet-YAHM ] - post office (noun)
mu'vhela [ moo-VEH-lah ] - ceramic (adjective)
ori'kebi'yaim [ OH-ree-keh-BEE-yay-EEM ] - supermarket (noun)
pel'vheh [ pel-VEH ] - clay (noun)
ven'tuur [ vehn-TOOR ] - tomorrow (noun)
waad'yam [ wahd-YAHM ] - bank (noun)
yam'choruk [ yahm-CHOHR-ook ] - brick (as construction material) (noun)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 13 Aug 2015 15:44

cin'cir [ seen-SEER ] - snow (noun)
go'mirdir [ goh-MEER-deer ] - think of, come up with idea (lit. "give birth to an idea") (verb)
gorar [ goh-RAHR ] - forge, hammer, tilt (verb)
hok'tennar [ hok-ten-AHR ] - analyse; dissect, anatomize (lit. "cut open") (verb)
mir'dur [ meer-DUR ] - faint, lose consciousness (verb)
mir'dush [ meer-DOOSH ] - faint, loss of consciousness (noun)
sala [ SAH-lah ] - colored, coloured, painted (adjective)
vi'tay [ vee-TIE ] - collar, neck belt (noun)
vi'tayc [ vee-TIESH ] - collared, tamed (either about animals, or slaves which is rare and humiliating) (adjective)
yo'baar [ yoh-BAHR ] - organic cell (biological, lit. "beginning of living body", rarely - spermatozoid) (noun)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 25 Aug 2015 10:34

chupa'kabra [ choo-pah-KAHB-rah ] - meaningless word, used by kids to name an ambiguous fantasy creature (used by adults means something absurd) (noun)
cir'kov [ seer-KOHV ] - icecap of the mountain (can also mean "cold head", prudence) (noun)
cir'vhet [ seer-VEHT ] - land of snow and ice; polar region (noun)
haar'kov [ hahr-KOHV ] - hat, cap, headdress (noun)
mesuum'kov [ meh-soom-KOHV ] - pole of the planet (north or south) (noun)
nuhod [ noo-HOHD ] - sleepyhead (sarcastic, but not approving remark. Mandalorians don’t approve of laziness) (noun)
or'vhet [ ohr-VEHT ] - continent (noun)
tih'kov [ tee-KOHV ] - drunkard, drinker, alcoholic (noun)
udela [ oo-DAY-lah ] - easy, light (weight) (adjective)
u'tabir [ oo-tah-BEER ] - step lightly, tread carefully; creep, sneak (verb)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 25 Aug 2015 22:12

Taljair te Mir'ad wrote:chupa'kabra [ choo-pah-KAHB-rah ] - meaningless word, used by kids to name an ambiguous fantasy creature (used by adults means something absurd) (noun)
Nuhunyc shebs, gar cuy.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 26 Aug 2015 07:05

Ni ven'suvari bic sa laa'miit, ner vod :)


Tion'gotan bic cuyi be chupa'kabra? - What kind of nonsense is this?
Meh gar ne'cinari troan, chupa'kabra ven'chaku gar... - If you dont wash your face, chupakabra will take you away. (children)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 27 Aug 2015 08:48

akaanur [ ah-KAH-noor ] - fighter, gladiator (noun)
Alo'miite [ ah-LOH-meet-AY ] - Grand speech (speech delivered by Mand'alor to tell his people of the future plans and upcoming events and strategies) (name)
a'oryc [ ah-OH-reesh ] - great, grand (adjective)
ba'soletar [ bah-soh-LAY-tar ] - depend, count on (verb)
can'gaal [ KAHN-gahl ] - migrating bird, similar to swan but bigger and with light-grey feathers (noun) *
chek [ check ] - stiletto, stylet, dagger (noun)
g'aliike [ gah-LEE-kay ] - handwriting (noun)
g'aliikir [ gah-lee-KEER ] - write by hand (verb)
goo'kal [ goo-KAHL ] - throwing knife (noun)
gotan [ go-TAHN ] - kind, type; make, model, mark (shortened to GT (1,2,3..) as in english MK for "Mark") (noun)
gotan'la [ goh-TAHN-lah ] - stylish, trendy, cool (adjective)
gotenyc [ GOH-tehn-eesh ] - fertile (can be describing soil, land or living being capable of reproduction) (adjective)
laa'miit [ lah-MEET ] - compliment, praise (lit. "high word") (noun)
miitir [ mee-TEER ] - speak (alone), deliver a speech (verb)
nakar'tuur [ NAH-kah-TOOR ] - the day after tomorrow (lit: the unknown day, rare) (noun) *
taakurar [ tah-koo-RAHR ] - beat someone to a pulp with bare hands (verb)
tra'gaal [ trah-GAHL ] - starfighter (noun)
edir [ eh-DEER ] - gnaw, nibble (verb)
pirdalir [ peer-dah-LEER ] - boil (verb)
pirgai [ peer-GUY ] - kettle, teapot (noun)
is'dalir [ ees-dah-LEER ] - brew, steep (verb)
isir [ ee-SEER ] - taste (noun)
suru'miit [ soo-roo-MEET ] - note, memo, reminder (noun)
suru'bin [ soo-roo-BEEN ] - notebook, organizer, journal (noun)
shun'ika [ SHOO-nee-kah ] - pastry, cookie, biscuit, cracker (dessert, dry, insipid and unflavoured, mostly eaten by dipping it into warm honey) (noun)

Nu ba'soleta bat ven'tuur, ke'vaabi o'r ibi'tuur [ noo bah-soh-LAY-ta baht vehn-TOOR, keh-VAH-bee ohr EE-bee-toor ] - "Don’t count on tomorrow, do it today" (mandalorian saying) (Proverb)

* - changed the meaning of the canon word (sorry!!) because it's original meaning didn't really fit the other words in the dictionary
can or ca' is mostly used for indicating time or season, so can'gal could be translated as "season bird", not "starfighter" as it was.
"Unknown day" for "tomorrow" doesn’t really fit into mandalorian culture, warriors who don’t plan at least a day ahead don’t survive for millenia. So the new meaning, "day after tomorrow", can mean either exactly next day after tomorrow or any other day in the future.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 02 Sep 2015 10:41

alom [ ah-LOHM ] - leadership, command (noun)
cer'sur [ sair-SOOR ] - fingerprint (noun)
di'sur [ dee-SOOR ] - stamp, print, imprint, mark (noun)
dra [ drah ] - power, might, strength (noun)
gai'choruk [ guy-CHOHR-ook ] - monument, memorial (noun)
gair [ gah-EER ] - name, call, designate (verb)
laar'ad [ lahr-AHD ] - singer, musician (noun)
miit'ad [ meet-AHD ] - writer, poet (noun)
naakir [ nah-KEER ] - conciliate, reconcile, make peace (verb)
ny'orar [ nee-ohr-AHR ] - crash, roar, rumble, rattle (noun)
orok [ OH-rohk ] - glove, mitt, mitten (noun)
Oro'nas! [ oh-roh-NAHS ] - "Gloves off!", "Stand down!" (military) (Phrase)
sal'ad [ sahl-AHD ] - artist, painter (noun)
salan [ SAH-lahn ] - art, painting (noun)
sol'tan [ sohl-TAHN ] - one of a kind, unique (may be used as noun too) (adjective)
taab'sur [ tahb-SOOR ] - footprint (noun)
vhe'sur [ veh-SOOR ] - trail, track, trace (noun)
duur [ door ] - may (verb)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 02 Sep 2015 15:20

What sense do you mean duur, may as in might, could possibly?

I like Oro'nas.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 02 Sep 2015 18:47

May as in "May i come in? Yes, you may."
- Tion'duu ni or'kemir?
- Elek, gar duu.
Last edited by Tal’jair Rusk on 03 Sep 2015 08:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 03 Sep 2015 01:20

Okay, neat
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 08 Sep 2015 12:23

ayaytir [ ah-yay-TEER ] - flee, escape (verb)
dis'ne [ dees-NAY ] - insult, someone who doesn’t care for the creations of others or spits on his own heritage (noun)
eyaytir [ ee-yay-TEER ] - echo (verb)
kay'ni [ kay-NEE ] - each other ("him/her/them and me") (pronoun)
linyc [ lee-NEE-beesh ] - necessary, needed (adjective)
nau'yc [ now-EESH ] - illuminating (adjective)
pet'kartyc [ peht-KAHR-teesh ] - essential, heart of something (adjective)
petyc [ peh-TEESH ] - central (adjective)
urman'ad [ oor-mahn-AHD ] - religious follower, believer, faithful (noun)
urman'alor [ oor-MAHN-ah-LOR ] - priest, preacher (noun)
urmankarla [ OOR-mahn-KAHR-lah ] - religious, faithful (adjective)
urman'yam [ oor-mahn-YAHM ] - church, temple (ori'urman'yam - cathedral) (noun)
urman'yust [ oor-mahn-YOOST ] - religion (lit. "way of belief") (noun)

bac [ bahk ] - that (as in "I know that you've been there", rarely used) (conjuction)
ban'tionir [ bahn-tee-ohn-EER ] - guess, divine, discern (verb)
dal'gotur [ dahl-goh-TOOR ] - woman in childbirth / labour; woman, who recently gave birth (noun)
dayc [ daysh ] - wide, broad, widespread (adjective)
gebyc [ GEHB-eesh ] - narrow, tight (adjective)
goral [ goh-RAHL ] - ingot, pig iron, metal blank (noun)
gotur [ goh-TOOR ] - source; maker, manufacturer, producer (noun)
jehaatyc [ jeh-HAH-teesh ] - dishonest, lying, deceiving (of person) (adjective)
kyral'bin [ kee-rahl-BEEN ] - cartridge, clip (of bullet rounds) (noun)
kyral [ kee-RAHL ] - bullet, round (lit. "Death grain") (noun)
mese [ MAY-say ] - space, void (between stars and planets) (noun)
ne'tra vhedin [ NAY-trah veh-DEEN ] - coal (noun)
sapan'gotur [ sah-PAHN-goh-TOOR ] - power (energy) generator (noun)
sapan'tay [ sah-pahn-TIE ] - battery, accumulator (energy) (noun)
sur'tra [ SOOR-trah ] - telescope, spyglass (noun)
to'jorir [ toh-JAW-reer ] - assemble, put together; sum up (verb)
tracy'ral [ trah-shee-RAHL ] - gunpowder (lit. "Fire grain") (noun)
tug' [ toog ] - prefix used with verbs indicating a repeated action, same as english "re-" (suffix/prefix)
vhedin [ veh-DEEN ] - ore, mineral (lit. "gift of the earth") (noun)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 08 Sep 2015 17:40

Is there ever really a reason to use bac as a conjuntion?

Tug' is a handy one, I'd say.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vazquar Tra'tabuur » 14 Jan 2016 15:51

While looking through your list, I wasn't able to find many words related to my occupation (electrician), and came up with a few that I think might work.

Sapan'briik [ sah-PAHN-breek] - wire (lit. electricity thread)
Sapan'borar [sah-PAHN-boh-RAHR] - electrician (lit. electricity job)
Nynir ni daab, ni n'akaanir; Jurkadir ner vode, bal kyr'am nu'ven'cabuor gar teh ni a'den.

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 20 Jan 2016 13:05

My latest updated vocabulary. Still work in progress though.
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Koja Kar Akaan'uliik
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Koja Kar Akaan'uliik » 05 Feb 2016 01:19

Taljair te Mir'ad wrote:My latest updated vocabulary. Still work in progress though.
Vor entye for this work; it's come in very handy many times so far, and I'm sure will continue to.

Have you considered hosting this spreadsheet in Google Sheets instead of/in addition to Excel?

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 05 Feb 2016 13:36

Vor'e, vod.

Thought about google docs, but decided against it. First, i need to be online to work on it and thats not always possible. Second, i dont like google, cause ive lost quite a number of documents thanks to google drives server fail. Third, google sheet doesnt allow to use that many functions, or use your own fonts
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by adennkad013 » 28 Apr 2016 15:21

Jate, ner vod..

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