"Mhi Mando'ade Verde"

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Kad Tracyn
Posts: 35
Joined: 02 Aug 2016 20:23

"Mhi Mando'ade Verde"

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 10 Apr 2017 17:06

Here's a poem I wrote just for fun a while ago. The rhythm is a little bit tricky to tackle. Each line starts with an unaccented syllable, whether the previous syllable was accented or not (it usually is, though).


Mhi nyni teh prudiise,
Mhi nyni aaryc jat.
Gar draar nu'haatyc mhi,
Gar draar nu'haatayli.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Gar trattok'o par kote.
Gar trattok'o.
Mhi Vode an.

Cuun trayc'uur ori'dralshy'a,
Cuun ram'sere serim.
Cuun can'gale, iviin'shya,
Cuun verde par'jila.
Mhi Mando'ade verde.
Mhi kandosii'ade.

Ori'ramikade jatne,
Val ratiin nar'bora.
Val ramikadyc mirshese
Kadiili beskar'gam.
Val Mando'ade verde.
Val ori'kandosii.

Mhi haa'tayl arue kakovidi
O'r jarkiv be prudii be cuun a'den.
Mhi cerati besbe'trayce adenn.
Mhi haar Mando'ade.
Mhi verde par ijaat.

Mhi akaani par ijaat,
Bal kote be akaan.
Mhi nyni gar kar'ta,
Mhi nyni gar runi.
K'olar, aruetiise,
K'olar bah gar kyr'am.

Jetiise nu'gaa'tayli gar,
Gar nu'arana gar ade.
Slana haaranovo su gar lise.
Mhi go'naasi gar pel'game.
Mhi Mando'ade,
Mhi parji.

Mhi chak gar gal, mhi chak gar skraan:
Par gar be hut'uunla taldin.
Mhi nu draar sha'kajir ti gar.
Mhi munit tome'tayl shotah iisa.
Mhi Mando'ade, verde be ijaat.


We strike from the shadows,
We strike where it hurts good.
You never see us coming,
You never think to look.
Those who stand against us light the night sky up in flame.
Our vengeance burns brighter still.
You will fall for glory.
You will fall.
We are brothers all.

Our blasters are way more powerful,
Our marksmen straight and true.
Our fighters are faster,
Our warriors are triumphant.
We are Mandalorians Warriors.
We are the elite.

Supercommandoes are the best,
They always do the job.
Their commando states of mind
Pierce the enemy's armor.
They are Mandalorian Warriors.
They are super-elite.

We watch as our enemies cower
In the presence of the shadow of our wrath.
Our weapons turn to them mercilessly.
We are the Mandalorians.
We are warriors for honor.

We fight for honor,
And for the glory of the war.
We will strike your heart,
We will strike your soul.
Come here, outsiders,
Come here to your demise.

The Jedi cannot help you,
You can't protect your sons.
Go hide while still you can.
We will not spare your lives.
We are the Mandalorians.
We will be victorious.

We'll steal your ale, we'll steal your food.
For you are of a cowardly bloodline.
We'll not never talk of peace with you.
We have a long memory, short fuse.
We're Mandalorians, warriors of honor.

I am awaiting a better title. The one I put into the subject heading I literally just came up with on the spot, so that it wouldn't be "Poem."
Thoughts? Opinions? Helpful criticisms? Questions?

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: "Mhi Mando'ade Verde"

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Apr 2017 22:38

Yeah, meter is a pain to work with in Mando'a. I like it, you did good.
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Kad Tracyn
Posts: 35
Joined: 02 Aug 2016 20:23

Re: "Mhi Mando'ade Verde"

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 11 Apr 2017 16:31

Vlet Hansen wrote:Yeah, meter is a pain to work with in Mando'a. I like it, you did good.
Thanks! The meter gets better after you get used to it. The only major problem is when I put in "Mhi munit tome'tayl shotah iisa", which is an even number of syllables, but still two more syllables than any other line.

Posts: 60
Joined: 28 Feb 2016 22:03

Re: "Mhi Mando'ade Verde"

Unread post by Ruus » 16 Apr 2017 19:47

I like it. Good one!

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