Words i accumulated or invented so far

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Kad Tracyn
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 02 May 2017 15:53

Belandrie Meave wrote:I've taken to counting my karate reps in Mando'a, much to my teacher's confusion (tho' he did end up saying tug'yc instead of moichido today, I'm calling that a win), and can confirm - no, ra'shya does not sound even a tiny bit like rayshe'a. For one thing the emphasis is in a different place: RA-shya vs. ray-SHEE-a.
How'd he know what tug'yc meant?

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 03 May 2017 10:49

'Moichido' is 'do it again' or 'one more time', but we use it also as 'from the top' if someone screws up halfway through a kata.
I screw up -> he says 'moichido' -> I start over.
I screw up -> I notice it before he does -> I mutter 'moichido' or 'tug'yc' to myself and start over.
'What the heck is tug'yc?'
'Same thing, different language.'
'Huh.' Couple practices later, I screw up -> 'heh, tug'yc, then.'
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Kad Tracyn
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 05 May 2017 19:26

Ah, I see.

By the way, I have a ton of new words coming in that I had to come up with for translating RimWorld (ukor b'ukor, and all that). I can't post them right now, but they're coming, about 50 or more.

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 07 May 2017 01:37

Awesome, looking forward to it!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Kad Tracyn
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 07 May 2017 15:49

Ok, here it is. I may format this later, but for this is the basic format:
Mando'a -> English -> Part of Speech -> Origin

aal'jat comfort (lit. “feel good”) noun from aalar, to feel + jat, good
aal'jat'la comfortable adjective from aal'jat, comfort
aalan mood noun from aalar, to feel
an'tome average (lit. “all together”) noun from an, all + tome, together
anil'yc whole, entire adjective from anila, totality + 'yc
baar'am body modification noun from baar, body + am, change
baar'la physical adjective from baar, body
baar'te'habir to amputate verb from baar, body + te'habir, to remove
baat care noun from baatir, to care
bajur'lisla trainable, said mostly of animals adjective from bajur, education + liser, to be able to
be'jahaal medical (noun) noun from be, of + jahaal, health
be'jahaala medical (adj) adjective from be'jahaal, medical
ba'slan escape noun from ba'slanar, to leave
be'solyc prioritized adjective from be'sol, priority made into adjective
bor'ad worker noun from bora, job + ad, child
bor'pirust efficiency (lit. “work well”) noun from bora, job + pirusti, well
bor'pirustyc efficient adjective from bor'pirust, efficiency
bora'yam facility noun from bora, job + yam, building
briikas social adjective from briikasak, run-ashore
cer'nynir to flick verb from cer, finger + nynir, to hit
ciryc'noy'aav cryosleep casket noun from ciryc, cold + nuhoy, sleep + haav, bed
dush'solet severity (lit. “badness count”) noun from dush, bad + solet, count
emuur'la pleasing, etc. adjective from emuurir, to enjoy
ga'besk'rude shackles (lit. “iron wrist circles”) noun from gadi, wrist + beskar + briirud, circle
gaigotal designation noun from gaigotalur, to designate
gaigotala designated adjective from gaigotalur, to designate
gaan'kaan hand combat noun from gaan, hand + kaan, which I thought meant combat
ganan'la ownership noun from ganan, owner
gebi'kaan melee combat noun from gebi, close + kaan, which I thought meant combat
gevin'la paused, suspended adjective from gevin, stop
go'briikasar to cheer up, make happy verb from gotal'ur, to make + briikase, happy
got'jate'shya enhanced adjective from gotal'ur, to make + jate'shya, better
got'jatshyar to enhance, make better verb from gotal'ur, to make + jate'shya, better
gotala'solet technology level noun from gotala, technology + solet, count
gotnyr'ur to control (lit. to make my will) verb from gotal'ur, to make + ni, me + runar, will
got'narir to manipulate verb from gotal'ur, to make + narir, to do
got'urmankalar to convince verb from gotal'ur, to make + urmankalar, to believe
harcyan tiredness, exhaustion noun from haryc, tired
jaon'sur'haat overview noun from jaon, over + sur'haat, view
jat'emuur preference noun from jate, good + emuurir, to like
jate'runar goodwill noun from jate, good + runar, will
kai'soluur nutrition (lit. “food amount”) noun from kai'tome, food + soluur, amount
kal'ad brawler, one who prefers close-up combat noun from kal, blade + ad, child
kar'tayl'ad acquaintance noun from kar'taylir, to know + ad, child
ke'gycir to order, command verb from ke'gyce, order
kursh'ika bush noun from kurshi, tree + 'ika, diminutive suffix
kuti'kebise clothing, apparel noun from kutir, to wear + kebise, things
kyrir to end, finish verb from kyr, end
mir'copad research project (lit. “thought obsession”) noun from mirdir, to think + copad, desire
mirdar factor noun from mirdir, to think
mirshla mental adjective from mirshe, brain

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Aondeug » 07 May 2017 20:08

I know it's an extremely obvious solution without making up a whole new root but I'm happy that we both independently came up with kursh'ika.

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 11 May 2017 07:40

I think "pirusti" doesnt mean "well" in sense of good, i think Kar'buir meant the noun "well" as in a hole in the ground, a water source. Since "pirun" is "water" and "pirur" is "drink".
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 11 May 2017 07:56

"Briikas" would most likely mean "gladness, happiness" since "briikase" is "glad, happy". For social id suggest something like "drotyc", from "droten" - people.
Tal'jair Rusk
Te tuur tal jai o'r dha ca...

Kad Tracyn
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Kad Tracyn » 12 May 2017 17:02

Taljair te Mir'ad wrote:I think "pirusti" doesnt mean "well" in sense of good, i think Kar'buir meant the noun "well" as in a hole in the ground, a water source. Since "pirun" is "water" and "pirur" is "drink".
Oh :o that makes more sense. I knew it didn't mean 'well' as in 'health' because of jahaala, but I never considered 'well', 'a deep subject.'
Taljair te Mir'ad wrote:"Briikas" would most likely mean "gladness, happiness" since "briikase" is "glad, happy". For social id suggest something like "drotyc", from "droten" - people.
Yeah, I know. But it was the only thing I could come up with. Thank you for drotyc, though.

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 12 May 2017 23:08

I'll look through the other words more closely, hope you dont mind little cryticism
Tal'jair Rusk
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Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 09 Oct 2017 12:47

aalan [ ah-ah-LAHN ] - mood (noun)
anil'yc [ AH-nee-leesh ] - whole (adjective)
asheso'la [ ah-shay-SOH-lah ] - opposite, contrary (adjective)
ashi'eso [ AH-shee-AY-so ] - other side, opposite point/end (noun)
baar'am [ BAHR-ahm ] - body modification (plastic surgery) (noun)
baar'gan [ BAHR-gahn ] - limb (noun)
baar'la [ BAHR-lah ] - physical (adjective)
baat [ baht ] - care (noun)
bajur'lisla [ BAH-joor-LEES-lah ] - trainable (said mostly of animals) (adjective)
ba'slan [ BAH-slahn ] - escape (noun)
be'jahaal [ jah-HAHL ] - medicine (science, not drugs) (noun)
be'jahaala [ jah-HAH-lah ] - medical (adjective)
bes'ga'rude [ bes-gah-ROO-day ] - shackles, hand cuffs (noun)
be'solyc [ beh-SOH-leesh ] - prioritized, main (adjective)
bor'ad [ bohr-AHD ] - worker (noun)
bora'yam [ boh-rah-YAHM ] - facility (or any place of work, for example office building) (noun)
bor'jatyc [ bohr-JAH-teesh ] - effective (lit. "working good") (adjective)
bor'lakaj [ bohr-lah-KAHJ ] - efficiency (noun)
cer'nyn [ SAIR-neen ] - fillip, flick (noun)
cer'nynir [ sair-nee-NEER ] - flick (verb)
cir'nuhoy [ seer-noo-HOY ] - cryosleep (lit. "slumber in ice") (noun)
cyar'la [ SHAHR-lah ] - lovely, delightful, charming (adjective)
drotyc [ DROH-teesh ] - social (adjective)
du'carir [ doo-kah-REER ] - be late, be delayed (verb)
dush'solet [ doosh-so-LAYT ] - severety (lit. "badness count") (noun)
emuur'la [ EH-moor-lah ] - pleasing, enjoyable (adjective)
gaa'hok [ gah-HOK ] - amputation (or literally "cut a limb of") (noun)
gaigotal [ gai-go-TAHL ] - designation (noun)
gaigotala [ gai-go-TAH-lah ] - designated (adjective)
gakaan [ gah-KAHN ] - any melee weapon (noun)
gan [ gahn ] - end, point, tail (ending of some object) (noun)
gan'akaan [ gahn-ah-KAHN ] - melee, hand-to-hand combat (noun)
gana'lor [ gah-NAH-lohr ] - ownership (noun)
geva'la [ geh-VAH-lah ] - stopped, paused, suspended (adjective)
jat'aal [ jat-ah-AHL ] - comfort (noun)
jat'aala [ jat-ah-AH-lah ] - comfortable (adjective)
kajur [ kah-JOOR ] - lie (down) (verb)
laa'kaj [ lah-KAHJ ] - level, grade, scale, rate, standard (noun)
lor [ lohr ] - right, law (noun)
nar [ nahr ] - liability, obligation, commitment (noun)
narsir [ nar-SEER ] - intend, be going to (verb)
noy'ganyc [ noy-GAH-neesh ] - lost, misplaced (adjective)
or'abiir [ ohr-ah-BEER ] - dive, plunge (verb)
oriy'taap [ oh-reey-TAHP ] - address (noun)
or'tome [ ohr-TOH-may ] - average (adjective)
oyat [ oh-YAHT ] - hunt, chase, pursuit (noun)
tra'gam [ trah-GAHM ] - tan (noun)
tra'kajur [ trah-kah-JOOR ] - tan, sunbath (verb)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Unread post by Void » 09 Oct 2017 20:38

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 10 Oct 2017 21:36

Ner Jate'kara wrote:What would this language do without you
Taljair is indeed one of our (if not the) most prolific contributors and their enthusiasm is most appreciated.
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Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 15 Oct 2017 14:06

The common english vocabulary contains 3000 words. So we’re not done yet, vode
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 30 Oct 2017 08:58

Vocabulary as it is of today. I may be missing stuff people added recently but ill try to make time to work on that as soon as i can.
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Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Aondeug » 01 Nov 2017 05:56

Vor'e for the list, ner vod. I'm having a problem looking at the thing though...So I downloaded that but I'm missing the font for it apparently and I'm also just kind of getting the mythosaur skull overtop the graph bits. Would you know how to fix that issue? I'm looking at it on my mac through numbers.

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 01 Nov 2017 09:07

You are probably looking at the firsl list in the file which is a title page. I dont remember where in numbers you can switch between them, but theres a list called mando-english, grammar etc. try finding that. Probably above the spreadsheet itself.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 12 Nov 2018 10:10

ruet [ roo-AYT ] - treachery, betrayal (noun)
haaranov'la [ hah-RAHN-ov-lah ] - hidden, concealed (adjective)
nudesir [ noo-deh-SEER ] - trouble, disturb, irritate, annoy (verb)
naa'serim [ nah-SEH-reem ] - wrong, incorrect (adjective)
sola'gai [ soh-lah-GUY ] - number, designation (noun) (carplates, telephone number, clone ID etc.)
joh'amir [ joh-hah-MEER ] - translate (verb)
che [ cheh ] - dot, point; pinhole, puncture (noun)
olar'miit [ oh-lar-MEET ] - invitation, invite (noun)
olar'miitir [ oh-lar-mee-TEER ] - invite, welcome in (verb)
u'taabir [ oo-tah-BEER ] - jog, light walk (verb)
ul'taabir [ ool-tah-BEER ] - tread carefully (verb) (on thin ice for example)
ur'taabir [ oor-tah-BEER ] - creep, sneak (verb)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Meshurok » 16 Jan 2019 22:05

I’ve noticed some errors in the “C” section. You left out can’gal – starfighter and have can’gaal- migratory bird, marked as canon instead. Cyare has the wrong definition. It looks as if you went to add a word and messed up the cells.

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 04 Jun 2019 13:33

Actually no, didnt mess up the cells. I changed the meaning of the original word because to me it made no sense really. Couldnt figure out how starfighter could have developed from these stems. So starfighter is tra’gaal, and can’gaal is a bird.
Tal'jair Rusk
Te tuur tal jai o'r dha ca...

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