Silent Night in Mando’a (Shev'la Ca)

Member-contributed translations of various texts into Mando'a
Posts: 18
Joined: 31 Dec 2018 21:14

Silent Night in Mando’a (Shev'la Ca)

Unread post by Meshurok » 12 Feb 2019 02:11

This is translated from the English version and unfortunately it no longer rhymes, I might try the German version later. Feel free to tear it apart. Notes below.

Shev’la ca, urman’la ca,
An udes’la, an dral
Rud bac cin’runi buir bal ad.
Cin’gaan ik’aad bid pel’tigala bal pel,
Nuhoyi o’r suum’la naak,
Nuhoyi o’r suum’la naak.

Shev’la ca, urman’la ca,
Bas’ade rur sha te sur;
Kote pitat teh tra be’chaaj,
Cin’gaan’la akaan’ade laarari Alleluia!
Mand’alor te tegaanal so’haali,
Mand’alor te tegaanal so’haali!

Shev’la ca, urman’la ca,
Ad be Te’Solus, cyar’cin tranar;
Dral naubriike teh gar urman’la troan
Ti te yog be mav’la riye,
Je’sus, alor sha gar goten,
Je’sus, alor sha gar goten.

I used Cuyan Atinii’s word tegaanal- savior and used Naux2010’s form of Jesus- Je’sus and his word for God- Te'Solus. I also had to create two new words:
mav’la- freeing from mav- free.
bas’ad – cowboy, shepherd, herder (How has nobody done this yet?)

I also ended up turning Jesus into a Mand’alor (Te Tegaanalir Mand’alor – Mandalore the Savior or Mandalore the Redeemer). Christ is a title, the Greek form of the Hebrew word Messiah. Messiah means “anointed one” or “chosen one.” Basically, The Messiah was supposed to lead the Jews in taking back control over Israel which for a Mando’ad would be a Mand’alor.

I gave my thesaurus a workout too.

Augest Kayd
Posts: 214
Joined: 26 Mar 2023 05:22

Re: Silent Night in Mando’a (Shev'la Ca)

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 31 Mar 2023 23:12

Well. Given that Jesus and God are non-Mandalorian concepts, you could very well just transpose the words over.
Nice work anyhow. Do you think you can make a version that rhymes like the original?
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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