Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

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Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Raeth » 04 Feb 2014 17:04

*pokes and prods the forum*



OK, I'll admit, I haven't posted anything much the past few days either. It's been busier than a troupe of Jawas at a swap meet here, and I am just trying to not fall to far behind on EVERYTHING! That said...

Being the resident trouble-maker here (EVAAR'OYA MANDO'A DARASUUM!), I felt I was falling behind in my duties of stirring up some ruckus. Well, ruckus is just the side-effect of my normal doings and not actually a goal of mine in and of itself, but ruckus there is. And this week is no different. So, what have I been up to that'll make you, ner vode, shake your heads and think, "Oh, boy, Raeth is at it again?"

A bit of preface:

So, there are about a zillion Mandalorian fan pages on Facebook and a solid handfull of Mandalorian-related feeds on Twitter. This is like Christmas/Lifeday for me every day, as all sorts of cool pictures and interesting stories are pouring across my monitor daily. And then it happened. I saw it. A wonderful group on Facebook (because, my prideful feelings aside, they are jate vode) called Mandalorians Unite ( started posted mini-posters with Mando'a lessons. If I had been wearing a buy'ce, it would have shot straight off my kovid!

I immediately though, "Aw, man, that should be US! Mando' has been around for 6 years (OK, some of us not THAT long *coughcough*), WE should be leading the charge to disseminate Mando'a!" And, being the devious and impetuous sort of vod that I am, I did it.


So, yeah, I jumped right in and, ah heh heh, made a Facebook page and a Twitter feed for Mando' (Ducks for cover just in case Adi'karta has a blaster handy.)

My honest feelings are exactly what I thought. We are and have been the language geeks of the Mando'ade. And, we have wanted very much to grow our interest outside this wonderful little niche to share with others of like mind, drawing people into the Mando' website while expanding the Mando' presence outward. So, if you can get over the shock of yet another bout of my usual shenanigans, may I humbly invite you to check out OUR (NOT mine; it is for all of us, ner vode!) Facebook page and Twitter Feed:

Twitter: @MandoaOrg

I don't mind putting in the daily grunt work, but I know there are some core vode here (Adi'karta, of course, and Vlet immediately come to mind) I would gladly give all admin controls, etc., to, should you want it.

Let me know what you think (even if it is, "Haar'chak, Raeth! What have you gone and done now?!")

Last edited by Raeth on 06 Feb 2014 23:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Mando' EVERYWHERE (aka, more Raeth ruckus)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 04 Feb 2014 22:40

Seems like a decent move to me. Adi, what's your take?
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Cuyan Atinii
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Re: Mando' EVERYWHERE (aka, more Raeth ruckus)

Unread post by Cuyan Atinii » 05 Feb 2014 04:41

It is great to see Mando'a spread in any form, and wish you the best in this endeavor.
Ibic cuyi haan Yusta.

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Re: Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Raeth » 06 Feb 2014 23:55

Ner vode, I need your help!

Our Facebook page ( ) is slowly but surely bringing in the 'likes' and 'follows'. Our Twitter feed ( @MandoaOrg ) is trailing behind a bit, but also has a couple of follows. Those new avenues together with this forum means our web presence is growing bit by bit. To take advantage of this window of opportunity, I need your help:

- Content: Either suggestions or whole submissions, what do you think would be fun to share and needs to be shared about Mando'a and Mando' We ALL have a voice in all our Interweb venues, so don't be afraid to share!

- Pictures and Photographs: Let's face it, visual flash brings attention and we want people to see us! So, if you have any cool artwork or photographs involving Mando'a or the Mando'ade, it would be great to share that, too! With a Youtube channel on the way, even videos are welcome! (Just be sure to not violate copyright!)

- Administration and Moderation: I need a couple of dedicated vode who want to share in organizing, moderating, and administering our various new Interweb presences and the content we put up there. Adi'karta and Cuyan are already on the list (info is on the way, vode!), sooo... I guess I am looking at you, Vlet (if you are interested)!

- Contests and Prizes: I have some ideas for both, but I am looking for other ideas and advice. This is definitely a work-in-progress idea, but one I think could bring us significant attention and new membership. I want contests that involve learning-using Mando'a, are both challenging and fun, and that keep new or prospective members excited and engaged.

- PARTICIPATION: Don't be afraid to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment in our new Interweb homes. Your presence here and there is the heart and soul of our crazy beautiful nerdy endeavor to create a Mando'a renaissance. Be humorous, be critical, be supportive - be who you are and who you want to be, but, please, be there!

Alright, time to step off the beskar soapbox and stop rambling! I cannot tell you what an exciting week this has been, especially on Facebook. Sure, we're not huge, but even with just a couple dozen Likes in the first day, I feel motivated, hopeful, and enthusiastic about learning, sharing, and using Mando'a! Let's keep it up!

Oya Manda darasuum! Mando'a darasuum!
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Re: Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Adi'karta » 09 Feb 2014 04:17

I am supportive of this idea and am following (and have been liking posts) using my IRL identity for the time being until I see a need to create a dedicated Mandalorian-self Facebook identity.

As far as the Youtube channel goes, I have a Google Apps domain for (registered way back while it was still free for up to 50 users) so I can create a dedicated Google Apps account for this stuff ( and probably can link that into Youtube as well.
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 09 Feb 2014 15:40

I might be interested...
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Raeth » 10 Feb 2014 15:56

Adi'karta wrote:I am supportive of this idea and am following (and have been liking posts) using my IRL identity for the time being until I see a need to create a dedicated Mandalorian-self Facebook identity.

As far as the Youtube channel goes, I have a Google Apps domain for (registered way back while it was still free for up to 50 users) so I can create a dedicated Google Apps account for this stuff ( and probably can link that into Youtube as well.
Ooo! Tell me more!
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Re: Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Raeth » 13 Mar 2014 08:41

So, I have added a couple of members as Admin's to our Facebook page. I have also added Kotyc as a content creator for the page. He is going to do a weekly Mando'a lesson in Italian! Also, I am going to start the same but for Japanese.

I am very excited about the possibility of bringing in new members with whom our primary language for communicating will be Mando'a!
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Re: Mando' takes over the INTERWEBZ!

Unread post by Kotyc » 13 Mar 2014 22:49


I'm really glad for the opportunity, the idea of the "international mando'a sunday" is awesome :)

I'll start very slowly with personal pronouns then adding the first verbs the week after, but i really hope someone will enjoy learning mando'a from me as much as i'm enjoining learning from you all :)

Then i would like to add some part about the culture (translating sw insider 86 - i've already done it) but with the due time and if there is real interest from the italian part of the group

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