Help finding/creating words!

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Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Raeth » 09 Jan 2014 23:33

These are words I am having trouble locating or discovering if they even already exist in canonical Mando'a:

top, bottom, above, below, left, right, front, back, behind, in front of, next to,

next, after, previous, before, soon, simultaneously ('same time'; I could find 'time', but not 'same'), later

Assorted Adjectivals/Adverbials:
slow/slowly, quick/quickly, quiet/quietly, loud/loudly, serious/seriously, silly

I am not aware that these words are existent in the current canonical Mando'a. If that is the case, then it's either going to be constructing new compound words (though, at some point, if we keep compounding existing canonical words, we are going to run out of compounds AND create some rather tangled compounds) or just creating new words from whole cloth.

Sooo, unless I've missed the existence of these words elsewhere, suggestions?
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Adi'karta » 10 Jan 2014 01:00

viewtopic.php?f=7&t=22 has some old words. I haven't updated it in a long time. I'll figure out a less work-intensive way to handle sharing custom words.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Jan 2014 01:04

Left: Payt
Right: Staabi
Laamyc means "high" so there might be a way to get to top or above from there...
Same for Diryc for "low"
I'd go with Ib'ca'nara for "now"

I'd also like some help with structural words, like wall, door, floor...
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Adi'karta » 10 Jan 2014 01:07

For "back," several options present themselves:
Shebs - dictionary says can refer to rear of building

Once I'm home I'll brainstorm some directional/prepositional/structural words and post my ideas here.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Jan 2014 01:09

Good point, the backplate was also the nor'cabur. Norac is probably the one there.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Adi'karta » 10 Jan 2014 05:45

Code: Select all

Here's the result of my brainstorm:

Positional: (a lot of these are pretty rough, and also a bit formulaic)
top            = laam'eso (up-side, high-side), kovid'eso (head-side), buyc'eso (helmet-side), jaon'eso (over-side)
bottom         = daab'eso (down-side), taab'eso (foot-side), cetar'eso (boot-side), dir'eso (low-side), chur'eso (under-side)
above          = laam'vaii (up-direction), kovid'vaii (head-direction), buy'ce'vaii (helmet-direction), tra'vaii (skyward), ori'laamyc (higher), jaon (canon = over)
below          = daab'vaii (down-direction), taab'vaii (foot-direction), cetar'vaii (boot-direction), vheh'vaii (groudward), ori'diryc (lower), chur (canon = under)
left           = payt (canon = left), kal (canon = blade), payt'eso / kal'eso (left-side)
right          = staabi (canon = right), kad (canon = saber, sword), staab'eso / kad'eso (right-side)
front          = troan'eso (face-side), sur'haa'eso (eye-side), haa'tayl'eso (see-side)
in front of    = troan'vaii (front-direction), sur'haa'vaii (eye-direction), haa'tayl'vaii (see-direction)
back           = norac (canon = back), shebs (canon = backside, buttocks, rear of building), norac'eso (back-side)
behind         = noryc, shebsyc, norac'vaii (back-direction), shebs'vaii (backside-direction)
next to        = juaan (canon = beside, next to)

Temporal: (relying heavily on past/future prefixes and near/time words)
next           = projor (canon = next)
after          = ven/vencuyot (canon = future)
previous       = ruprojor (before next)
before         = ru/r'/ruyot (canon = past, history)
soon           = ven'gebi (near future), ven'pirebu (near future)
simultaneously = nar'nara (time-time), ara'nara (unchanging time)
later          = suum'jii (beyond now), ven'jii (after now)

Assorted Adjectivals/Adverbials:
slow           = dir'iviin (low-speed)
quick          = iviin'yc (canon = fast [speedy]), laam'iviin (high-speed)
quiet          = shev'la (canon = silent), dir'kaab (low-sound)
loud           = laam'kaab (high-sound)
serious        = jaon'yc (canon = important), trikar (canon = sadness)
silly          = nuh'briikase (funny-happy)

Structural Words: (the closest thing I could find to something describing a wall was "gaid -- plate" or "kajil -- flat, level")
wall           = yami'gaid (room-plate), eso'gaid (side-plate)
ceiling        = laam'gaid (up-plate), jaon'gaid (over-plate)
floor          = daab'gaid (down-plate), chur'gaid (under-plate), chur'kajil (under-flat)
door           = or'dayn palon (in-out hole), ade'palon (people hole)
window         = haa'tayl palon (sight hole), nau'palon (light hole)
glass          = laandur nau'gaid (fragile light-plate)
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Jan 2014 16:13

There's a lot going on there. I'll take a closer look when I have more time, but it looks like we've fleshed it out a ways so far.
Quite the list you made there!
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Raeth » 10 Jan 2014 23:10

I am very excited about these new words! I think to get the flavor of them, I am going to need to focus on using them in various sentences and contexts, both in speech and writing. That will really tell me a lot about their feel and place within Mando'a!

Looks like I won't have any excuse to be bored in the near future, what with all the catch-up studying I need to do at this point!
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by MsLanna » 24 Mar 2014 00:49

There is the wrd for aunt/uncle ba'vodu.
But I am stumped, trying to find the counterpart niece/nephew.
Is it me? Am I blind*? Dikut'la? Nu'liser'la?

* Another word I cannot find. Did you make up one already? Otherwise I'd suggest nur'haai as mix of 'nu', the negative marker, and 'sur'haai' for eye. The extra 'r' in because people like related stuff to sound similar.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 24 Mar 2014 01:55

Could just be "ad". I'd maybe go with "ba'ad" for cousin, and "vod'ad" for nephew?
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Adi'karta » 24 Mar 2014 03:57

I like Vlet's suggestion, and I can't find any compound that works better. Works well as ba'adika (though in my head, I hear it as "bahdEEka," dropping the beten) and vod'adika, too.

Also briikase yaim'ol, MsLanna! It has been too long. :)
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by MsLanna » 24 Mar 2014 07:37

ba'ad is a great idea, keeping the 'ba' of the uncle-relationship and having the 'ad' of child. I'd use it niece/nephew, though.

Attempt at logic:
vod - brother, same family line (telling that this is the default)
ba'vod(u) - brother of another family line
ad - child of the same family line
ba'ad - child of another family line

Haven't had my first cuppa yet, so this might need more thought.

Not to mention I LOVE that ba'adika (bahdEEka) sounds exactly how you'd pronounce Bard'ika with a German accent. *cough*

@Adi'karta - Suffering a severe case of Walonitis currently and pickung up old fic. :yay:
Whatever it says about me that I would be returning for him. XD
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 24 Mar 2014 21:57

You're right, swap my suggestions and they fit far better. Good catch.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by MsLanna » 25 Mar 2014 18:43

Erm, ok?

I mean I can see where vod'ad comes from and I could probably build a case for it being in keeping with ba'vodu if I can make the 'ba' a shortened, vowel shifted version of buir. It'd be something like
ba'vodu - father of a brother
vod'ad - brother's child

Wait. Am I devil's advocate for my own case? XD
Anyway the genetives don't come out all clear and symmetric because the vod is positioned differently in the compounds.


Sooo, any other suggestions on 'blind'?

And on the adjective/adverb question at the very beginning. (O hai there again Raeth XD ) I just don't think they differentiate them in Mando'a. A bit like 'going fast in a fast ship' but with all adjectives.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 25 Mar 2014 21:01

Blind... Nu'haiyc?
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Raeth » 31 Mar 2014 02:00

I've been looking, but have failed to find thus far, a suitable list of 'profession' words.

Here is a small sampling of professions I would love to see words for:

retail worker
office worker


hourly employee
salaried employee

I will, of course, brainstorm myself. But, I am always open to suggestions!
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by MsLanna » 03 Apr 2014 22:40

Nice list.
I'll take some time this weekend to thin about it.
(I'm currently too caught up with stuff like meganuclease, promoter elements, telomer length and polymerase chain reactions. Should be done with it soon, though. XD )
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by MsLanna » 05 Apr 2014 22:15

Okay, first batch. Not sure how to display the table I used properly here, so beware of fromatting. XD

I could not find any pattern as to how words for job descriptions end. Consequently I do as I please, aka what sounds best to my ears.

Not sure what the difference between cook and chef is. If it's a level of skill, I'd suggest skraanador for the less skilled.

Cook/ chef

Vocabulary used:
kai'tome – food
skraan – food
gotal'ur – make, create
tsikador – prepare, get ready

Kai'talur - Maker of food
Skraanador – Preparer of food

I took a positive and a negative approach to that. It might depend a lot on how lawayers are actually seen. Somebody who helps or obstructs. *shrug*

Vocabulary used:
Serim – accurate, correct
cabuor – protect
miit – word
am – change
adate - persons, people
hut'uun - coward

Staabour – Protector of right
Seribour – Protector of correct

Miitam'uun – word-changing coward
Miitam'adat – Word-changing person


Vocabulary used:
Gaa'taylir – help
miit'gaanar - write

Miit'gaatayl – Writing help

Well, that was fun. :yay: More later, I guess.
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Argen Tium » 18 Apr 2014 01:55

well IT = din'kartay solegot
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Re: Help finding/creating words!

Unread post by Argen Tium » 18 Apr 2014 02:01

Vlet Hansen wrote:Left: Payt
I'd go with Ib'ca'nara for "now"

I'd also like some help with structural words, like wall, door, floor...
I thought jii is now?
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