Assistance, please.

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Assistance, please.

Unread post by Raeth » 13 Apr 2014 17:42

Hey, everyone. Our Facebook page is doing well, and it has been a privilege to take the lead on that endeavor. That said, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help write the daily lessons for awhile and create other content. I've had some disastrous personal events recently. I'm not sure I can keep current with content creation, and I'd feel bad to let things slip away.

Just contact me if you are interested in helping out. Thanks, and sorry to spring this all of a sudden.
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by MsLanna » 13 Apr 2014 20:55

Sorry to hear that.
I'm afraid I have some irreconcilable differences with facebook, so I'm out. XD

Here's hoping somebody will volunteer soon. :yay:
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 14 Apr 2014 01:16

I might be able to, but it's a big "if" on whether I'll have the time/energy
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Raeth » 14 Apr 2014 16:43

Lana-vod and Vlet-vod, thank you for taking the time to respond. I understand if it is not possible for either of you, so no worries. I will try to carry on as best I am able. Like a mando'ad, I will carry on. Thanks again for at least letting me know where you are on things. It is appreciated. Vore.
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Adi'karta » 14 Apr 2014 19:53

Looking at the number of people each post has been reaching, it seems to be declining steadily. Part of that is due to how much competition there is for attention on Facebook, and part of it might be due to the frequency of our posts (if nobody explicitly tells FB they want to be notified of our posts, chances are our posts will fall to the back of the line in favour of their friends and family and any advertising and paid posts). I think it might be ok to lower the frequency of the posts.

That said, I'd be glad to contribute a few lessons, but I'm not certain which topics have been covered already; I'll have to run through the post history and see where we stand. I think we might want to pile up a backlog of lesson ideas and write them out, then do scheduled posting or something (if that's possible to automate, great; if not, then I guess somebody sets a recurring calendar event to remind them to copypasta them into FB manually).
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 15 Apr 2014 20:53

Okay, so I've figured that I can try to put together something during my lunch breaks at class. As an example, maybe I could provide short texts for people to hone their translation skills on. I whipped this one up in about ten minutes over lunch:

Su'cuy, vod! Me'vaar ti gar?

'Cuy, bur'cya. Naas ti ni, bal gar?

Bralor ru'johaa ti ni bat vaar'bora par ni.

Jate! Me'bora kaysh gana?

Naas vutyc, shi borar o'r abesh'la vheh. Shi ehn'olan waadas o'r anay t'ad ray'tuure.

Wayii, bora bid'ush ibac jii?

'Lek. An borase o'r oriya dar'cuy, bal naas'me'sen ven ba'slanar o'r gebi ca'nara.

Elek, vod, k'oyacyi.

[the bid'ush is a contraction of "bid dush ibac jii" and I'm still debating on whether to leave it like that.]
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Raeth » 03 May 2014 00:38

Su'cuy, ner vode. Sorry for my sudden and extended absence for the past few weeks. It seems like life has wanted to test my Mandokarla resolve. And, a lot of things hit me with terribly inconvenient timing.

- I lost my manager job at Sithmart, but was able to find a better paying job as a contract driver. That said, for a week or two there, the transition was a bit challenging.
- My ex and our kids came down with what apparently was food poisoning, so for a couple of days I was playing nursemaid. I will spare you the gory details, but it was pretty bad. And then...
- Just as everyone else was feeling better and coming round, I got it, too (and through process of elimination, we also found the culprit - bad, bad taco beef). This has been the sickest and most miserable I have been in a long, long time.

There are some other, private matters in there that have made finding my footing lately a bit challenging. And, I feel bad that it has led to a decline in new content for on FB. That said, followers, likes, popularity, whatever you want to call it - these things are built up and maintained over time. So, I have hope that with renewed and continued effort, our presence will continue to be a fun, interesting, and valuable part of Mandalorian aficionados and the greater Star Wars community.

I just wanted to let you know that I had not abandoned the cause, but was merely engaged in some real life "battles" that took me out of the loop for awhile. Sorry about that, but I am back and hoping to be of use and service to everyone again in furthering the Mando love.

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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 03 May 2014 00:47

Sounds like a rough time. Glad to hear you're coming out of the woods now.
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Adi'karta » 06 May 2014 16:55

Akaani jate'kaan. Gar cuy ori'ramikad bal jatne vod. Gar nari jate borar.
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by MsLanna » 08 May 2014 17:43

Glad to ehar things are looking up again.
Loosing your job sucks. Two thumbs up on finding something better. :yay:

And remember: if you are going through hell, keep going. :thumbup:
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Raeth » 21 May 2014 21:22

Ugh. Just freakin' ugh.

I feel like groveling in apology for my extended absence from... well... everything. From the FB page, from Twitter, from the main website.

Every time I take a step forward to get myself sorted out, I end up taking two steps back... or more.

I miss you all more than I can adequately express. And, I feel horrid for letting so many things fall to the wayside.

Days more could have slid by, but I wanted to make a specific effort to make my way back here, to ner vode - my brothers and sisters. So, here I am. A bit battered, sort of loopy, but still alive.

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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 22 May 2014 01:02

Don't worry, we all have things to do. I've been finding myself busy with other things as well.
Glad to hear gar cuyir
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Re: Assistance, please.

Unread post by Adi'karta » 24 May 2014 05:39

Ke'taabi! Do what you need to do, ner vod. We're not going anywhere in your absence. Sometimes life can be a royal pain in the shebs, and that's ok.

I've been so overloaded with work that I've not been sparing time for anything else besides chores and spacing out on TV, so you're not the only one whose life is getting in the way -- no need to feel bad. We'll still be here when you're on top of things.

Jate'kara, Raeth
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