Words i accumulated or invented so far

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Tal’jair Rusk
Posts: 208
Joined: 17 Feb 2015 12:46
Location: Enceri

Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 17 Feb 2015 14:08

Any comments or suggestions welcome

aal'briik [ahl-BREEK] - nerve (anatomical)
abiik'amur [AH-beek-AH-moor] - gasp, choke ("die from air")
abiik'shaad [AH-beek-SHAHD] - flight
abiik'shaadlar [AH-beek-SHAHD-lar] - fly
abiir [ah-BEER] - hop, jump
akaan'uliik [ah-KAHN-oo-LEEK] - lion (extinct animal, now used as "fierce warrior, one who always on the frontline")
ak'narit [ahk-nah-REET] - invasion
ak'naritir [ahk-nah-ree-TEER] - invade
alayi [a-LAY-ee] - cake
aman [ah-MAHN] - nature
am'gaan [ahm-GAHN] - exchange, trade
anila [AH-nee-lah] - totality, wholeness
aru'el [ah-ROO-ayl] - hostility
aru'hutuun [AH-roo-hoo-TOON] - spy
atina [ah-TEEN-ay] - endurance
at'norac'eso [aht-noh-RAK-ay-so] - backward
at'troan'eso [aht-TRAWN-ay-so] - forward
ba'ad [bah-AHD] - nephew, niece
baar'murcyur [bahr-MOOR-shoor] - making love, having sex
baar'mureyca [bahr-MOOR-aysh-ah] - sex ("body kiss")
baar'ulur [bar-OOL-oor] - cure (verb)
baju'ni'ast [BAH-ju-nee-AST] - self education
ba'jurir [BAH-jur] - teach, instruct, raise
bas [baas] - animal (any which can be hunted or used for meal)
bas'gam [baas-GAM] - leather
bas'pirun [baas-PEER-un] - milk
be'chaaj'taabir [beh-CHAHJ-TAH-beer] - journey, travel (verb), sometimes used in the meaning of "death"
ber [bair] - fee, payment
bevar [BEE-vahr] - injection
boramird [boh-RAH-meerd] - expert
borar [boh-RAHR] - craft, profession
briikar [BREE-kar] - shield (naun)
briikasar [bree-KAH-sahr] - happiness
bri'tayl [bree-TILE] - knot
bubu'ad [boo-boo-AHD] - descendant
car'haal [kahr-HAHL] - cigarette, cigar
car'haalur [KAHR-hah-LOOR] - smoke (verb, meaning smoking tabacco or other substances)
cer [sair] - finger
cerare [sair-ARR-ay] - highlands
cer'bev [sair-BEV] - fingernail
chaab'la [chah-BLAH] - afraid, scared
chaaj'miit [chahj-MEET] - communication, broadcast, message
chaaj'yaim [chahj-yay-EEM] - aboard
chak [chahk] - crime
chakyr'am [chah-kee-RAHM] - murder
chor'borar [CHOHR-boh-RAHR] - mason
cin'abiik [seen-AH-beek] - fog
cin'tihaar [seen-TEE-har] - white liquor, vodka
cir'pirun [seer-PEER-un] - ice
cir'piryc [seer-PEER-eesh] - frozen
cuy'viinir [cooy-veen-EER] - evacuate
daab'eso [DAHB-ay-so] - bottom
daab'gaid [dahb-GUY-id] - floor
daab'vaii [dahb-VAY] - below
dad [dahd] - code, encription
dajudush [dah-joo-DOOSH] - accident, plan gone wrong
dar'tomer [dar-TOH-mehr] - separate, take apart (verb)
dar'vod [dar-VOD] - exile
davaar [dah-VAHR] - execute, carry out
dayngaanir [dain-gah-NEER] - drop
dayn'goyust [dain-goh-YOOST] - exit (naun)
daynir [dain-EER] - exit (verb)
dayn'viniir [dain-veen-EER] - escape (verb)
dir'iviin [deer-ee-VEEN] - slow
dosbriik [dohs-BREEK] - net
dul'ca'nara [dool-KAH-nah-RAH] - sometimes
dush'kemir [doosh-KEH-meer] - limp (verb)
dush'kote [doosh-KOH-tay] - disgrace, shame
epabaar [ay-pah-BAHR] - parasite (often used as an insult)
evaar'miit [ee-VAR-meet] - news
g' , go' [gh- , goh-] - artificial (not used by itself, only as a suffix)
gaan'naumiit [GAHN-now-MEET] - gesture
gaanyc [GAH-neesh] - handy, comfortable to use
gayi'kartay [GUY-ee-kar-TIE] - HoloNet, network (anything similar to internet)
gayi'karyai [GUY-ee-kar-yay] - forum, discussion
gett [geht] - nut
gevar [geh-VAHR] - stop (verb)
gev'mird [gehv-MEERD] - hesitation
gev'mirdir [gehv-MEER-deer] - hesitate
gev'or'dayc [gehv-or-DAISH] - closed, locked
gev'or'dayn [gehv-or-DAIN] - lock (naun)
go'nau [goh-NOW] - lamp
gor [gohr] - hammer
gotal'yaim [go-TAHL-yay-EEM] - factory, forge
gota'skraan [goh-tah-SCRAHN] - fuel
got'ika [got-EE-kah] - device, portable computer, gadget
got'uliik [got-oo-LEEK] - car, vehicle, speeder
got'uliik yaim [got-oo-LEEK yay-EEM] - garage
goy'ad [GOHY-ahd] - guide
goy'yaim [gohy-yay-EEM] - camp
gycir [ghee-SHEER] - judge, decide (verb)
haal'or'baar [hahl-ohr-BAHR] - lungs
haaran [ha-RAHN] - clothes
haast'slaat [HAHst-slaht] - dust
haast'vhetin [HAHst-vet-EEN] - land (as opposed to sea), solid ground, dry land
haa'tayl palon [hah-TAYL pah-LOHN] - window
haat'tayl [hah-TILE] - look (noun)
het'gaid [het-GUY-id] - fryingpan
hibi'ranir [hee-BEE-rahn-EER] - intense learning, absorption of information (verb)
hibi'sur [hee-bee-SOOR] - studying hard (verb)
hokaan'runi [ho-KAHN-roo-NEE] - cruel ("cutting soul")
ibace [ee-BAH-say] - those
ibice [ee-BEE-say] - these
irtaab [eer-TAHB] - leg
irtaab'eso [eer-TAHB-ay-so] - hip, thigh
irudayc [ee-rood-AYSH] - wide ("outstreched arms")
irudayc palon [ee-rood-AYSH pah-LOHN] - gate
irudul [ee-roo-DOOL] - elbow
irugeb [ee-roo-GEHB] - narrow
iviin'hiibir [EE-veen-HEE-beer] - grasp
iviinir [ee-veen-EER] - hurry, move fast
jahaal'tion [jah-HAHL-tee-on] - condition (medical)
jah'ad [jeh-HAHD] - doctor
jah'pirun [jeh-PEER-un] - drug, medicine
jaon'gaid [jai-OHN-GUY-id] - roof
jatisir [jah-TEE-seer] - delight (verb)
jehar [jeh-HAHR] - liar
jeh'gehat'ik [jeh-GEH-aht-eek] - story, fairytale
jetii'dral [jay--tee-DRAAL] - the Force
joruun [jaw-ROON] - gathering, meeting
kaab'la [KAHB-la] - loud
kandush [kahn-DOOSH] - inevitable doom, unchangeable destiny (very rare)
kandyc [KAHN-deesh] - heavy, important
kar'ad [kahr-AHD] - heir
kar'ruyot [kahr-ROO-yot] - legacy
kar'tyc [KAR-teesh] - hearty, soft-hearted
kebi [KEH-bee] - thing, item
kebi'ad [KEH-bee-ahd] - merchant, seller
kebir [keh-BEER] - equip, pack (verb)
kebi'yaim [keh-BEE-yay-EEM] - shop
kebi'yaime [keh-BEE-yay-EEM-ay] - market
kles'palon [klez-pah-LOHN] - nostril
koorir [koo-REER] - agree, nod
kot'hokaad [KOHT-hoh-KAHD] - butcher, extremely violent person
kot'hokaan [KOHT-hoh-KAHN] - axe
kot'hokaanir [KOHT-hoh-kahn-EER] - chop (with an axe or similar)
kov'briik [KOV-breek] - discipline
kov'yam [kov-YAHM] - headquarters, command center
kursh'cer [koorsh-SAIR] - branch
kursh'vorpan [koorsh-VOR-pahn] - leaf (of a tree)
kyray'nuhoy'ur [keer-AY-noo-HOY-oor] - burial, funeral
kyr'eesu [keer-ee-SOO] - gas (toxic)
kyr'goyust [keer-goh-YOOST] - destination
kyr'vheh [keer-FEH] - grave
laam'daab'tab [lahm-dahb-TAHB] - stairway, ladder
laam'eso [LAHM-ay-so] - top
laam'gaid [lahm-GUY-id] - ceiling
laam'haaran [lahm-ha-RAHN] - jacket
laam'kranak [lahm-KRAH-nahk] - fortress
laam'troan [lahm-TRAWN] - forehead
laam'vaii [lahm-VAY] - above
laan'shok [lahn-SHOK] - glass (material)
man'ceratir [mahn-sair-AH-teer] - identify
mand'entye [MAHND-ent-yeh] - duty
mavar [mah-VAHR] - freedom
me'sene [may-sen-AY] - aviation, space fleet
miit'akaan [meet-ah-KAHN] - dispute, argument
miit'akaanir [meet-ah-KAHN-eer] - argue, dispute (verb)
miit'bin [meet-BEEN] - book
miit'haa'taylir [meet-hah-TIE-leer] - read (verb)
mirc'ad [meersh-AHD] - slave
mircin'eso [meer-SEEN-ay-so] - grill
mird [meerd] - idea, thought
mirdnaas [meerd-NAHS] - nonsense
mirsh'breek [MEERSH-breek] - mindset, temperament
mirsh'geroya [MEERSH-geh-ROY-ah] - chess (or any other logic board game)
mun'kles [moon-KLEZ] - curiosity
murey'yc [moor-ay-EESH] - sexy, erotic
muun'haal [moon-HAHL] - cough
muun'tionir [moon-tee-OHN-eer] - demand
nadal [nad-AHL] - heat
nadalir [nad-AHL-eer] - heat, warm up (verb)
nara [nah-RAH] - hour
nari'got [nah-ree-GOHT] - engine
narja'hail [nar-ya-HAYL] - scout
narja'hailir [nar-ya-hay-LEER] - scout (verb)
nau [now] - light
nau [now] - light
nehaa'tayc [ney-har-TAYSH] - blind
nejah [nay-JAH] - disease
nekebi [NAY-keh-bee] - fake
ne'nuhor [ney-noo-HOHR] - awake, wake up (verb)
nepareyc [nay-pah-RAYSH] - impatient
nerale [NAY-rahl-ay] - crop, harvest
ne'tom [neh-TOHM] - part, piece of something
ne'tra behot [NAY-trah beh-HOHT] - coffee
nibrar [nee-BRAHR] - lose, fail
norac'eso [noh-RAK-ay-so] - back (side)
nor'ba'slanar [nohr-BAH-slah-NAR] - abandon (verb)
nor'kemir [nohr-KEH-meer] - lag bahind, walk too slow
nor'taab [nohr-TAHB] - heel
nor'vaii [nohr-VAY] - behind
nudesla [noo-DESS-lah] - nervous, restless
nuhor [noo-HOHR] - sleep (verb)
nuhoy'ur [noo-HOY-oor] - fall asleep
nuh'sirbur [nooh-seer-BOOR] - mock (verb)
nuhu'bora [noo-hoo-BOH-ra] - hobby
nuhun [NOO-hoon] - humour
nukut'la [noo-KOOT-lah] - naked, nude
nuluryc [noo-loor-EESH] - careless
nunynir [noo-nee-NEER] - miss, not hit the target
nususula [noo-SOO-soo-LAH] - deaf
olan'tab [oh-lahn-TAHB] - distance measurement, approximately 100 meters (archaic)
olantuur [oh-lahn-TOOR] - month
olar'ad [oh-LAR-ahd] - guest
or [ohr] - inside, in the middle of
or'baar [ohr-BAHR] - organ ("inside body")
or'ca [ohr-KAH] - midnight
or'dayn gevar [or-DAIN geh-VAHR] - lock, stop from spreading (verb)
or'dayn palon [or-DAIN pah-LOHN] - door, entrance
or'goyust [or-goh-YOOST] - corridor
ori'ad [OH-ree-AHD] - adult
ori'chaab [OH-ree-CHAHB] - dread, powerful fear
ori'chaab'la [OH-ree-CHAHB-lah] - dire, very scary, dreadful
ori'hettir [OH-ree-HAY-teer] - explode
ori'kaab [OH-ree-KAAB] - noise
ori'kaab'la [OH-ree-KAAB-lah] - noisy
ori'kaden [OH-ree-KAH-den] - furious
ori'mirdala [OH-ree-MEER-dah-lah] - genious
ori'mirdi [OH-ree-MEER-dee] - philosophy (big thinking)
ori'ori [OH-ree-OH-ree] - gigantic, extreme (often used as sarcastic remark)
ori'ruug'la [OH-ree-ROOG-lah] - ancient
ori'sen [OH-ree-sen] - battleship, cruiser, destroyer
ori'shukur [OH-ree-SHOO-koor] - crush (verb, maybe used as metaphorical, as in "crush his spirit")
ori'suumpir [OH-ree-SOOM-peer] - sea, ocean
ori'tom'vhetine [OH-ree-tohm-vet-EEN] - empire
ori'tra'ad [OH-ree-trah-AHD] - ace, best pilot
ori'waadas [OH-ree-WAH-daas] - gold, treasure, something very valuable
or'kemir [ohr-KEH--meer] - enter (verb)
or'parg [OR-parg] - hatred
or'tayl [OH-ree-TILE] - compartment, drawer
or'tuur [ohr-TOOR] - midday
oyar [oh-YAHR] - life
pal'aran [pahl-AH-ran] - lid, hatch
papur'pirun [pa-POOR-PEER-oon] - juice
papuryc [pa-POO-reesh] - juicy
pel'beskar [pel-BES-kar] - iron (or any metal besides "beskar", viewed as "soft")
pel'troan [pail-TRAWN] - cheek
pir'shaadlar [peer-SHAHD-lar] - swim
pirun'tayl [PEER-un-TILE] - bottle
pir'vhet [peer-VEHT] - island
pitat'kurs [pit-aht-KOORS] - jungle ("rain forest")
ray'kyr [ray-KEER] - weekend, holiday
redal [red-AHL] - dance
riye'miit [REE-yay-MEET] - blessing
ru [roo] - before
ruusal [ROO-sahl] - trust
sapan'dral [sah-PAHN-draal] - energy
sapan'gotae [sah-PAHN-goh-tah-YEH] - electronics
sapan'tayl [sah-PAHN-TILE] - information, computer data
sen [sen] - ship, boat
senaar'gam [sen-ahr-GAHM] - feather, plumage
senaar'got [sen-ARR-got] - egg
sen'aliit [sen-ah-LEET] - crew (on a ship)
senar'yaim [sen-AHR-yay-EEM] - nest
sen'daynir [sen-dai-NEER] - disembark
sen'laam [sen-LAHM] - deck
senorir [sen-ohr-EER] - embark
sen'yam [sen-YAHM] - hangar, dock
shaad [shahd] - movement, motion
shaadlyc [SHAHD-leesh] - moving, mobile
shek'viinir [shehk-veen-EER] - chase
shev'jorad [SHAYV-jaw-RAHD] - dumb (unable to speak)
shi'jii [shee-JEE] - finally (just now)
shuk'taab [shook-TAHB] - limp (noun)
skraanir [scrah-NEER] - cook (verb)
skraan'lini [scrahn-LEE-nee] - hunger
skraan'linyc [scrahn-LEE-neesh] - hungry
skran'hettir [scrahn-heh-TEER] - fry
slanyc [SLAH-neesh] - absent, gone
sol'akaan [sohl-ah-KAHN] - battle, combat, skirmish
solet [so-LAYT] - count, mathematics (noun)
solet'ad [so-layt-AHD] - counter, mathematician, someone who counts a lot (sometimes "banker")
soli [SOH-lee] - number, digit
sol'kand [sohl-KAHND] - weight measurement, approximately one kilogram
sol'nara [sohl-na-RAH] - minute
sosol [so-SOHL] - equal
sur'dha [soor-DAH] - night vision (lit. "eye of darkness")
sur'jaon'yc [soor-jah-OHN-eesh] - primary, main
sur'tra [soor-TRAH] - empty look, blank look (staring into space)
susul [soo-SOOL] - ear
susulgot [soo-sool-GOHT] - earphones, earplugs
tab [tab] - pace, step (measure of distance)
tal'kurshi [tahl-KOOR-shi] - autumn
tayl [tayl] - box, crate, freight
tayl'briik [tayl-BREEK] - cord, rope
tayl'briir [tayl-BREER] - tie up (verb)
tenin [the-NEEN] - key
tennar [ten-AHR] - open (verb)
tihaar'yaim [TEE-har-yay-EEM] - bar, canteen
tion'bor [TEE-on-BOHR] - how (question)
tion'serim [tee-OHN-se-REEM] - guess (noun)
tomur [toh-MOOR] - complete (verb)
tom'vhetin [tohm-vet-EEN] - country
to'shoku [toh-SHO-ku] - tinker
tra [trah] - sky
tra'ad [trah-AHD] - pilot
tra'cyar [tra-SHEE-ar] - fire (verb)
tracy'sal [trah-shee-SAHL] - orange (fire colored)
tra'kyram [trah-keer-AHM] - bomb
tran [trahn] - sun, star
tra'nau [trah-NOW] - lightning
tranir [trah-NEER] - shine, glitter (verb)
trapehin [trah-peh-HEEN] - jet
tra'shebir [tra-SHEH-beer] - hover (verb)
troan'eso [TRAWN-ay-so] - front
troan'haaran [trawn-ha-RAHN] - mask
troan'tayl [trawn-TILE] - mirror
troan'vaii [trawn-VAY] - in front of
tsad'ganar (verb) [tsahd-gah-NAHR] - include
uhiibir [oo-HEE-beer] - pull, haul
uja [oo-JAH] - honey, something very sweat
ulik'briik [oo-leek-BREEK] - harness
ulik'yaim [oo-leek-yay-EEM] - barn
uluryc [OOL-oor-eesh] - careful
uramgot [OO-rahm-goht] - microphone
urman [oor-MAHN] - culture
urmankal'ad [oor-MAHN-kahl-AHD] - god
utree'vhetin [oot-REE-vet-EEN] - desert
ven [vehn] - after
ven'dajunar [vehn-dah-JOO-nahr] - calculate, predict, plan on enemies move
ven'gebi [vehn-geh-BEE] - soon
ven'jii [vehn-JEE] - later
ven'riduur [vehn-ree-DOOR] - bride, groom
verd'goten [vaird-GOH-ten] - a special trial for one to become warrior ("birth of warrior")
verd'kebise [vaird-keh-BEE-say] - equipment ("warrior's suff")
vhen'vorpa [feh-VOR-pah] - grass, lawn
vhet [vet] - farm (in military - territory)
vhet'pirun [vet-PEER-un] - lake
vhet'shuk [vet-SHOOK] - earthquake
vorpan'oy'taap [vor-PAHN-oy-TAHP] - garden, park
waad [wahd] - price, cost (not only about money)
waad'choruk [wahd-CHOH-rook] - diamond (or any other jewel)
waad'geroya [WAHD-geh-ROY-ah] - gamble
waad'kebise [WAHd-keh-BEE-say] - goods
waad'runi [wahd-roo-NEE] - greed
waad'taakur [wahd-TAHR-koor] - decoration made of bone or a valuable bone of rare animal
yaimir [yay-MEER] - inhabit, colonize (verb)
yaimire [yay-MEE-ray] - inhabitants, colonists, locals
yaim'vhetin [yay-EEM-vet-EEN] - homeland (the place where current home is)
yam [yahm] - building, construction
yam'bas [yahm-BAHS] - pet
yam'gotal'ur [yahm-GO-tal-oor] - build (verb)
yami'gaid [yah-mee-GUY-id] - wall
yami'kebise [yah-Mee-keh-BEE-say] - furniture
Tal'jair Rusk
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 18 Feb 2015 14:14

That's a massive expansion, and from the few I've looked at so far (just a quick glance for now) they all look great and look to be filling a lot of gaps that previously really frustrated me. Great job!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 19 Feb 2015 08:24

Thanks, but im only half through the alphabet. Im going through english dictionary and add words we dont yet have but might need for language to really work. Im on letter P now. Guess when i finish with Z i will go over it once again, just to refresh and maybe add something i missed before.
Any critics or corrections or suggestions welcome. I try to include words invented here so far, but i can miss some.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 19 Feb 2015 16:15

(Updated lower)
Last edited by Tal’jair Rusk on 24 Feb 2015 15:33, edited 1 time in total.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 20 Feb 2015 14:31

Ori'jate, ori'jate... That's a lot to pick through, looks like I better get studying again!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 24 Feb 2015 07:21

Guys, i need help with "hang". Cracked my skull on that one.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 24 Feb 2015 12:06

Just as a general note, I'm pretty sure Mando'a uses some sort of base 5, although we use it as base 10 in a weird way...
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 24 Feb 2015 15:29

aal [ahl] - feeling, sense
aarar [AH-rahr] - hurt, cause pain
aaray'ir [ah-ray-EER] - suffer
aar'ika [AHR-eek-ah] - sting, little pain
aarikir [ahr-eek-EER] - pinch, poke (verb)
akaan'ika [ah-KAHN-eek-ah] - quarrel
akaarud [ah-kah-ROOD] - round-up, encircling (military)
alii'aliit [ah-lee-ah-LEET] - meeting of the clans (closest thing mandalorians have to government or parliament, lit. "clan of clans")
alii'kote [ah-LEE-KOH-TAY] - reputation
aloryc [alor-EESH] - royal (mostly sarcastic remark)
aras [AH-rahs] - same, similar
arpatir [ahr-pah-TEER] - sow
as'gaanir [ahs-gah-NEER] - get, receive
ash'keb [ash-KEHB] - something
baa'ruir [bah-roo-EER] - shiver, shudder (verb)
baju'dush [BAH-ju-DOOSH] - spoil, bad education
bana [BAH-nah] - situation, happenstance (sometimes "probablility")
ban'dush [bahn-DOOSH] - problem
bat'gaanir [baht-gah-NEER] - rub, grind (verb)
ba'viinir [bah-veen-EER] - scatter
berir [beir-EER] - pay
bes'briik [BES-breek] - rail
bes'goyust [BES-goh-YOOST] - railroad
bevir [beh-VEER] - sting (verb)
bir'ca'nara [beer-KAH-nah-RAH] - often
bor [bohr] - work, project
borudes [boh-roo-DES] - retirement
briagol [bree-ah-GOHL] - sausage
briik'la [BREEK-lah] - straight
briirud'la [BREE-rood-lah] - round, circular
buy'ika [BOO-yee-kah] - pot
ca'epaar [kah-eh-PAHR] - supper
cerud [sai-ROOD] - ring
chaabir [chah-BEER] - scare, put fear into someone
chaa'dinurir [chah-DEE-noo-reer] - send
chaaj'goorar [chahj-GOOR-ahr] - rid
cha'hiibir [chah-HEE-beer] - reach
chur'goyust [choor-goh-YOOST] - tunnel, subway, metro
cinarpat [see-NAHR-paht] - rice
cin'choruk [seen-CHOHR-ook] - soap
cin'gaan [seen-GAHN] - saint, holy (extremely sarcastic, on the edge with insult)
cin'tal [seen-TAHL] - pink
Copaani gaan? [ko-PAH-nee GAHN?] - "Need a hand?" - mandalorian offering of help or assistance, literal
Copaani kov'pelid? [ko-PAH-nee kov-pai-LEED?] - "Need a pillow?" - common rebuke for idleness
cuyam [koo-YAHM] - refuge, place to survive
cuyolir [koo-yoh-LEER] - stay, ramain here
daab'gaid haaran [dahb-GUY-id ha-RAHN] - rug, carpet
dajudush'la [dah-joo-DOOSH-lah] - random
day'duumir [dai-DOOM-eer] - release
dir'bas [deer-BAHS] - lizard
dir'shaadlar [deer-SHAHD-lar] - crawl
dudajun [doo-dah-JOON] - precaution
du'dul [doo-DOOL] - quarter
duhaa'la [doo-HAH-lah] - sick, ill
du'haalur [doo-hah-LOOR] - sneeze or cough (verb)
duum [doom] - permission, permit, allowance
epaar [eh-PAHR] - dinner (generally used for any meal at home, not in the fields)
ety'pir [etty-PEER] - swamp
gaanir [gah-NEER] - handle, take something in ones hands
ganan [gah-NAHN] - owner
gedet [geh-DET] - request
geroy'taap [geh-ROY-tahp] - stadium, place for games
ger'viinir [gehr-VEEN-eer] - race (verb)
geshaadlar [geh-SHAHD-lar] - resist
go'klesin [goh-KLEH-seen] - perfume
gotalir [GO-tal-eer] - patch, fix, repair
got'am [goht-AHM] - switch, button
got'pelid [got-pai-LEED] - rubber
goy [goy] - way
gycin [ghee-SHEEN] - solution, decision
haabanar [hah-bah-NAR] - come to pass, come true (rare, mostly mandalorians use "happen")
haacuy [hah-KOO-ee] - proof, evidence
haacuyir [hah-KOO-yeer] - prove
haara'keb [ha-rah-KEHB] - cupboard
haas'vheh [hahs-FEH] - sand
haata'got [hah-tah-GOHT] - monitor, TV, television
haat'miit [haht-MEET] - oath
haat'mitir [haht-mee-TEER] - swear, give oath, promise
har'taab [hahr-TAHB] - sock
het'gaan [het-GAHN] - pincers, plieers, tongs
hetipurg [heh-tee-POORG] - pepper, spice
hok [hok] - slice, cut (noun)
Ibi'tuur (cuyi) Sol'tuur, ad’eta ehn'yc be Tad'tuurar, t'ad ta'raysholane taray'she simir [EE-bee-toor (KOO-yee) sohl-TOOR, ahd-AY-tah AYH-neesh beh tahd-too-RAHR, tahd TAH-raysh-oh-lah-nay ta-RAY-she see-MEER] - "Today is Monday, the 23rd of February, year 2015"
jaon'gyce [JAY-ohn-GHEE-shay] - override, overrule
jarin [jah-REEN] - risk
jatyc [JAH-teesh] - nice, pleasant
jehav [jeh-HAHV] - surprise (noun)
jiyc [gee-EESH] - recent
jorad'tayl [jaw-RAHD-TAYL] - record
jorar [jaw-RAHR] - call
jorhaa'lor [joh-hah-LOHR] - persuade
kadal [kah-DAHL] - wound, loss (noun)
kadaliik [kah-dah-LEEK] - scar
kadalikir [kah-dah-lee-KEER] - scratch, leave a mark
kajar [kah-JAHR] - surface
kajir [kah-JEER] - slide, slip (verb)
kandir [kahn-DEER] - respect, take into account (verb)
kasir [kah-SEER] - smile (verb)
Ke cuyam! [KEH koo-YAHM!] - "To cover!" (military command to get into cover or shelter)
kebi'kama [kay-bee-KAH-ma] - pocket
keb'paru [kehb-PAH-roo] - shape, form (of something)
kebrik [keh-BREEK] - quality, feature, characteristic
keb'solet [kehb-so-LAYT] - size
kedinir [keh-DEEN-eer] - obey, execute orders
ke'partaylir [keh-PAR-tie-leer] - remind
kih'bas [kee-BAHS] - insect
kihir [kee-HEER] - reduce, make smaller
klesin [KLEH-seen] - smell (noun)
koora [KOO-rah] - proposal, advice
koorar [KOO-rar] - propose, offer
kov'pelid [kov-pai-LEED] - pillow
kyr'bor [keer-BOHR] - outcome, result
lamhibir [lahm-HEE-beer] - raise, put up, lift
lamirud [lahm-EE-rood] - shoulder
lamotir [lah-moh-TEER] - rise, stand up
lini'amur [lee-nee-AH-moor] - starve to death
miit'bev [meet-BEV] - pen, pencil, stylus, any tool to write with
miite [meet-AY] - speech, talk ("lot of words")
miit'gam [meet-GAHM] - paper, page
miit'kadir [MEET-kad-EER] - provoke
mirutrel’a [mee-roo-TREY-lah] - sure, confident
mishukir [mee-shook-EER] - press (verb), including hurrying someone's action or descision
moru'keb [moh-roo-KEHB] - locker, safe (noun)
n'aala [NAH-lah] - passive, unresponsive (med. Brain-dead)
naas'taabas [nahs-tah-BAHS] - snake
naubriik [now-BREEK] - ray (of light, laser or sunshine)
nedos'la [ney-DOS-lah] - parallel
nehett'la [nay-HEHT-lah] - raw (about food or meat)
nelaryc [nay-LAH-reesh] - sober
nepel [nay-PAIL] - solid, hard
neralir [nay-rah-LEER] - harvest, rip (verb)
nor'hiibir [nohr-HEE-beer] - recover, take back
norjorar [nohr-jaw-RAHR] - recall, call back
nuharu'e [noo-hah-ROO-ay] - opponent (in game only)
nu'hiibir [noo-HEE-beer] - reject
nuh'kaabir [nooh-kah-BEER] - snore
nurmanyc [noor-MAHN-eesh] - savage, wild, uncivilized
ori'aal [OH-ree-AHL] - passion
osik'uram [oh-sik-OO-rahm] - rude ("shit mouth")
oyu'galan [oy-YOO-ga-LAHN] - source, resource, supply (rarely used as "fountain", "wellspring")
oyu'galar [oy-YOO-ga-LAHR] - supply (verb)
parjyc [par-JEESH] - perfect, ideal
pelid [pai-LEED] - mattress, something soft to lie down or fall onto
pirgoy [peer-GOY] - pipe, tube
pir'kyram [peer-keer-AHM] - poison (noun)
pirshuk [peer-SHOOK] - splash
purgaat [POOR-gaht] - vegetable
rudin [roo-DEEN] - rotation, roll (noun)
rudir [roo-DEER] - roll
ru'ir [roo-EER] - shake, rock (verb)
rur [roor] - shake, quake (noun)
ruusar [ROO-sahr] - trust (verb)
salir [sah-LEER] - paint (verb)
sal'senaar [sahl-sen-AHR] - parrot (or any exotic bird)
sene'yaim [sen-AY-yay-EEM] - port, airport, starport
sen'gaid [sen-GUY-id] - platform, landing site, airfield
shebi'keb [sheh-bee-KEHB] - chair, seat
sheb'orikeb [sheb-OH-ree-KEHB] - sofa, couch, bench
sheb'vaii [sheb-VAY] - reverse, ass forward
shehn'taab [shayn-TAHB] - spider
shiikal [shee-KAHL] - razor
shosenir [show-sen-EER] - sink, drown
sho'taabir [show-TAH-beer] - stick, get stuck (verb)
skraani'keb [scrah-nee-KEHB] - table
sol'ad [sohl-AHD] - orphan
sol'be'olan [sohl-beh-oh-LAHN] - rare ("one of hundreds")
sol'ca'nara [sohl-KAH-nah-RAH] - once
soluur [soh-LOOR] - quantity, number
sur'diryc [soor-DEER-eesh] - shy
sur'got [soor-GOHT] - spectacles, eye lenses
sur'haat [soor-HAHT] - sight, view
suum'la [SOOM-lah] - blissful, in state of extreme pleasure
taa [tah] - instead, rather, in place of
takisyc [tah-KEE-seesh] - insulting
tal'haai [tal-HAI] - rage, fury
tay'gaan [tai-GAHN] - strap, belt
tay'haat [tai-HAHT] - report
tayir [tah-YEER] - replace
tekay [tay-KAY] - since
tenhaat'la [ten-HAHT-lah] - obvious
Tion ash'ad lise gotalir ibic kebi? [Tee-ON AH-shad LEE-say GO-tal-eer ee-BIK KEH-bee?] - "Can someone (anyone) fix this thing?"
traciyam [trah-shee-YAHM] - oven
tra'sur [tra-SOOR] - satellite
trikarir [tree-kah-REER] - regret, be sad about something
troan'ashir [trawn-ah-SHEER] - pretend
troan'taylir [trawn-TIE-leer] - reflect
uj'haashun [ooj-HAH-shoon] - pancake
ujorhaa'la [oo-joh-HAH-lah] - polite
ujyc [oo-JEESH] - sweet
ul'gaan [ool-GAHN] - paw
uliir [oo-LEER] - ride
ureson [oo-rees-OHN] - answer, reply, reaction (noun)
uresonir [oo-rees-oh-NEER] - answer, reply, react (verb)
urman'la [oor-MAHN-lah] - sacred (mostly sarcastic)
verd'borar [vaird-boh-RAHR] - role
verd'kajii [vaird-KAH-jee] - rank (in military)
vheh'gaanir [veh-gah-NEER] - dig, excavate, delve
vheh'gaanur [veh-gah-NOOR] - spade, shovel
vhe'palon [feh-pah-LOHN] - pit, trench
viin'geroya [VEEN-geh-ROY-ah] - race (noun)
waadyc [WAHD-eesh] - rich
yaihaast [yay-HAHST] - reserve, dry ration
yam'gala [yahm-GAH-lah] - party, celebration (lit. "house of beer")
yog [yohg] - start, beginning
Last edited by Tal’jair Rusk on 24 Feb 2015 17:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Jaster Mereel
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Jaster Mereel » 24 Feb 2015 16:57

About the base five; this is from the numbers section of a Mando'a book:

There are several interesting features of the numbers system. First, the basic numbers are actually a repetition of a system of five.

5 + 1
1 solus rayshe'a solus → resol 6

5 + 2
2 t'ad rayshe'a t'ad → e'tad 7

5 + 3
3 ehn rayshe'a ehn → sh'ehn 8

5 + 4
4 cuir rayshe'a cuir → she'cu 9

2 x 5
5 rayshe'a t'ad rayshe'a → ta'raysh 10
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 24 Feb 2015 17:44

Vor'e, ner vod. I figured this thing out when you pointed out that the numbering system was based on 5. Makes sense since warriors tend to show numbers with fingers of one hand while the other holds the weapon.
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 25 Feb 2015 14:19

That's what I was thinking, too.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 02 Mar 2015 08:57

aade [ah-AH-day] - species, people
acyk'cerar [ah-SEEK-sair-ARR] - valley
adiik’nara [AH-deek-NAH-rah] - childhood
amyc [AH-meesh] - unnatural, changed
ani'la [AH-nee-lah] - ultimate (very rare, mostly used for titles)
ara'gotenir [Ah-rah-goh-TEN-eer] - clone, copy (verb)
ara'vod [ah-rah-VOHD] - twin (used for "clone" as well)
ashi'goy [ah-shee-GOY] - another way, vice versa
bas'kut [baas-KOOT] - wool, fur
bas'vhetin [baas-vet-EEN] - wilderness (also used for safari or zoo)
besgoy'uliik [bes-GOY-oo-LEEK] - train, tram
bir'pirimla [pee-REEM-lah] - universal, something that has many uses
boryc [boh-REESH] - busy, employed
buyce'sur [boo-shay-SOOR] - HUD
chaab'viinir [chahb-veen-EER] - rattle, run from corner to corner, panic
chur'cerar [choor-sair-ARR] - dungeon, cavern
chur'soletar [choor-so-LAY-tahr] - underestimate
churyc [CHOO-reesh] - deep
cinar'kut [see-nahr-KOOT] - towel
cin'runi [seen-roo-NEE] - virgin, innocent (not necessarily meaning sex life, "pure soul")
cirnad [seer-NAHD] - temperature
daab'cer [dahb-SAIR] - toe
dihaarir [dee-HAR-eer] - undress, take clothes off, unbutton, unzip
dos'goya [dohs-GO-yah] - maze, labyrinth
dra'kyrayc [drah-keer-AYSH] - undying (not a positive adjective like "immortal", but more like "walking dead" or "zombie". Usually used to describe Sith Lords)
dul'baar [dool-BAHR] - waist
Evaar Simir [EE-var see-MEER] - New Year (may be used for Christmas)
gaan'dek [gahn-DEK] - wrist
gal'riduurok [gahl-ree-DOOR-ok] - wedding
ge'dha [geh-DAH] - twilight
ge'haat [geh-HAHT] - trick
gekyrdyc [geh-KEER-deesh] - unconscious
gema'waad [gey-mah-WAHD] - trophy, prize (lit. "scalp")
getu [geh-TOO] - hour (32 minutes)
goy'ye [gohy-YEH] - turn, twist (noun)
goy'yir [gohy-YEER] - turn, bend (verb)
haal'jorar [hahl-jaw-RAHR] - whistle (verb)
haal'miit [hahl-MEET] - whisper
haarir [HAR-eer] - dress up, put clothes on
hakba [HAHK-bah] - period (9 hours)
harir [hah-REER] - tire
hokaad [hoh-KAHD] - violence
hokaad'la [hoh-KAHD-lah] - violent
isiryc [ee-SEER-eesh] - tasty
jabat [jah-BAHT] - upon, on top of
jat'runi [jat-roo-NEE] - morality
jorad'la [jaw-RAHD-lah] - vocal
kaded [kah-DED] - fang
kajilir [kah-jee-LEER] - level, align (verb)
kajyc [kah-JEESH] - horizontal
kebis'uliik [keh-BEES-oo-LEEK] - truck
kihya [keeh-YAH] - village
kis'lun [kees-LUHN] - second (time measure)
kot'akaan [koht-ah-KAHN] - test
kov'briik'la [kov-BREEK-lah] - tidy
kovdaab'la [kov-DAHB-lah] - upsidedown
kumana [kuh-MAH-nah] - minute (30 seconds)
kurs'kaded [KOORSH-kah-DED] - wolf (rather fierce beast from Mandalor, more similar to ancient dire wolf, "fangs of the forest")
kut [koot] - cloth, fabric, texture
kutir [koo-TEER] - wear
ky'goy [kee-GOHY] - edge, verge, break, precipice
ky'kal [kee-KAHL] - cutting edge of the blade
kyr'tra [keer-TRAH] - horizon, skyline
ky'runi [kee-roo-NEE] - victim (very rarely used, mostly about someone who is complitely destroyed and unwilling to live on, "killed soul")
kyrunyc [kee-ROO-neesh] - unwilling, lacking spirit ("dead soul")
laam'la [LAHM-lah] - upper, one which is higher placed
laam'yam [lahm-YAHM] - tower
lenedar [leh-nay-DAHR] - tag, lock on, target (verb)
linjir [leen-JEER] - urge
linjyc [leen-JEESH] - urgent
mirshuk [meer-SHOOK] - brain damage
motyc [moh-TEESH] - vertical
muun'pir [moon-PEER] - glue
naas'borar [nahs-boh-RAHR] - unskilled, unqualified (percieved to be shameful in Mando society)
naa'vaabir [nah-VAH-beer] - undo
nadalyc [nad-AHL-eesh] - warm
nakaryc [nah-KAHR-eesh] - unknown
necopyc [ney-KOH-peesh] - undersirable
negai [ney-GUY] - unanimous, one with no name
neliser [ney-LEE-say] - be unable to (verb)
nemirutrel’a [ney-mee-roo-TREY-lah] - uncertain
ner'sat [nair-SAHT] - pride
ner'satir [nair-sah-TEER] - take pride, have pride (verb)
o'cer [oh-SAIR] - thumb
olan'choruk [OH-lahn-CHOHR-ook] - ton (measure of weight)
ori'gaika [OH-ree-GUY-kah] - vase
ornau'kemir [or-now-KEH-meer] - appear, turn up
pel'tigala [pel-tee-GAH-lah] - tender
pir'aran [peer-ah-RAHN] - waterproof
pirim'ad [pee-reem-AHD] - user
piru'lini [pee-roo-LEE-nee] - thirst
runar [roo-NAHR] - will, volition, intension
ruug'verd [roog-VAIRD] - veteran
ruyo [ROO-yoh] - past, former
senar'irud [sen-ahr-EE-rood] - wing
shebrik [sheb-REEK] - tail
shisa [SHEE-sah] - just like
sur'dayn [soor-DAIN] - stare (noun)
sur'daynir [soor-dai-NEER] - stare (verb)
tal'briik [tahl-BREEK] - artery, vein (anatomical)
tal'purgaat [tahl-POOR-gaht] - tomato
tehnau'kemir [tay-now-KEH-meer] - disappear, vanish
tiuja [tee-OO-jah] - sugar fruit (a tree fruit, which looks like apple, but much sweeter and colored very bright green. Used for making sugar)
tiuja [tee-OO-jah] - sugar fruit (very sweet fruit, which looks like apple, but much sweeter and colored very bright green. Used for making sugar)
tracy'bev [trah-shee-BEHV] - torch
tracy'cerar [trah-shee-sair-ARR] - volcano
tra'vhetin [trah-vet-EEN] - aurora polaris
uliik [oo-LEEK] - transport (general term, mostly used to form names for vehicles)
uliik'morut [oo-LEEK-moh-ROOT] - van, wagon, truck
ulii'rud [oo-lee-ROOD] - wheel
uramir [oo-rah-MEER] - yawn
urman'verd [oor-mahn-VAIRD] - zealot
verd'gam [vaird-GAHM] - uniform
waada'sen [wah-dah-SEN] - yacht
waad'kebi [wahd-KEHB-ee] - wallet
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 02 Mar 2015 09:00

Thats it for now. My vocabulary now consits of 1867 words, terms and phrases. Im working on inconviniances and controversies now, hopefully will fix them all.
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 02 Mar 2015 16:26

This damn near doubled the existing vocabulary, or at least it feels that way. First time in a long time I've been this far behind.
Vor'e, vod, you're a credit to the community.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vazquar Tra'tabuur » 02 Mar 2015 19:14

Vlet has voiced my opinion as well.
Nynir ni daab, ni n'akaanir; Jurkadir ner vode, bal kyr'am nu'ven'cabuor gar teh ni a'den.

Strike me down, and I'll not fight back; Threaten my brothers, and even death will not protect you from my wrath.

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 03 Mar 2015 20:56

As a note, chakur was already "to rob or steal", so chak as "crime" might be a bit more general than the intended use. Perhaps something from "chav"?

(Gotta love all those britbong puns she slipped in...)
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 04 Mar 2015 05:44

I was thinking to use chak as a general term, like crime or any wrong-doing. Bad deed if you will.
Just as word chakkar is used for general insult as "person, who does things the wrong way" or "wrong-doer".
Last edited by Tal’jair Rusk on 04 Mar 2015 11:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 04 Mar 2015 11:17

Here i listed some Mandalor animals i thought the name for. It's not canon, it has nothing to do with Star Wars Universe, it's purely my invention. The purpose is to use it in everyday conversation to use metaphorically or to give your speech a little color.

trabas [trah-BAHS] - a flying lizard from Mandalor, similar to ornithosaur or pterodactyl, but purely herbivorous.
kovedee [kov-ee-DEE] - a cow-like creature the size of a bison, known to be one of the most stubborn beasts on the planet.
vorp'edee [vorp-ee-DEE] - carnivorous plants standing from 1 to 3 meters tall, mostly preying on birds and little lizards. The "teeth" of the plant are poisonous, but the flower looks really beautiful.
woor'senar [woor-sen-AHR] - a big bird, very similar to pelican or albatross. Known for its endurance, for it can travel for hundreds of miles without landing, using the wind currents.
kurs'kaded [KOORSH-kah-DED] - wolf, rather fierce beast from Mandalor, more similar to ancient dire wolf, "fangs of the forest".
bes'ede [bes-eh-DEH] - "iron teeth", archaic name for mythosaur.
laar'senar [lahr-sen-AHR] - singing bird, similar to skylark.

Few examples:

Kaysh jare'la sa trabas! (He's stupid like a pterodactyl)
Kaysh atin sa kovedee. (He's stubborn like a cow)
Gar ad'ika laarari sa laar'senar. (Your daughter sings like a skylark)
Ibac dala cuyi vorp'edee, ke sur'ulu kaysh. (That woman is a poisonous flower, keep an eye on her.)

As I said, this isn't canon, this is simply my addition to the language. I hope you like it, find it useful. But I welcome any criticism as always.
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Adi'karta » 07 Mar 2015 17:42

Kandosii, vod! Ori'vor'e for sharing.

On be'Taljair new words: 1867 new words atop the 1161 terms from the original dictionary (excluding phrases) brings us to 3028 words, or almost triple the original vocabulary. Or am I misunderstanding? I did not take a count of every new word Taljair provided, so maybe there are only 706 new terms? Even in that case, it still nearly doubles the existing vocabulary, which is still amazing. Taljair may have just singlehandedly guaranteed the survival of this language. :)

Taljair -- you wouldn't happen to keep a spreadsheet for all this, would you? I have been considering extending the translation database with our community-grown terms, some logical extensions and derivations, and categorical separation of words for targeted learning assistance. With some patience, some data-entry (if there's no Excel file), and a little bit more code (colour or mark custom/extrapolated terms differently from the core language in the event that LFL/Disney changes their minds about what we're allowed to do with the language), I think I could incorporate your work (along with the meagre additions we've made in the other lexicon thread) into the translator in order to speed up adoption of these new words (and make searching for words take less time).
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 07 Mar 2015 18:56

I have an Excel file where i keep everything. And no, i didnt expand the vocabulary by 1800 words, i expanded it to 1800.
I'll share the Excel file, but with one condition. That my contribution will be examined and analized. I dont want this work to go "in the box".
And i'm continuing to work on the vocabulary, will post new entries soon enough.
Tal'jair Rusk
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